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Thread: very SHY autistic guy in love with a beautiful angel

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    very SHY autistic guy in love with a beautiful angel

    Hey everyone. I just joined. I don't know if this is the right forum, but i hope it is.

    Anyway. I'm 25 and from Texas. I have autism and very poor social skills. anyway, I work in a cafe and there is this one girl who, over the past few weeks, I have fallen for. She's 18, has an amazing personality, very sweet and honestly the most beautiful girl i've ever seem. I wanna get to know her better before I make a move... but i dont know how. Every-time i've tried to talk to a girl i've always been to shy. I have no clue where to even begin talking to her. Can somebody give me advice? i have a feeling if i can get to the friend stage i can go from there once im mroe comfortable.

    As far as looks go, i've been told im a 6-7 (more a 7). 6'0, 160lbs, I dress nice, i can be very sweet... once i get over my shyness. Anyway, the reason i'm saying this is cause I have a friend whos is probably less attractive than me, no job, no money, like 90 lbs and 5'3 and he has no problem getting girls... because he's not shy.

    How do i talk to ehr without coming off as weird? what do girls like her usually like to talk about? I mean where do i start...

    I know some of you will say "you have a very slim chance of ever getting hr to like you" I KNOW this! But if I do nothing I have NO chance and i'd rather have a slim chance than none at all.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Start with the easy stuff. . . . hello? nice weather we're having? are you ready for Christmas?

    They are cliched ice breakers for a reason. . . they work to start the ball rolling. She how she reacts. Act time keep talking to her. Smile. Eventually you can move on to Qs that will help you determine if she already has a BF

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Oh ok... how do i keep the conversation flowing? I'm sorry.. i'm just... very confused...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    She's too young for you. Go for girls that are closer to your age.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    she's 18... almost 19. i just turned 25. I look like i'm 20. she's not to young. she is also far more mature than most girls her age.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2010

    First of all you did overthink already. Now it will be much harder to aproach her instead if you did it from first moment you saw her. Still, at least dont hesitate next time.

    And have to agree that shes not the best girl for you. This age diference matters a lot. Not because of looks but because of way you think. There is diference how 18 year old think and 25 year old does(try to remember yourself at that age). Shes much faster. Take that in note.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Sleepy Hollow NY
    If anything get your friend to help you out. Maybe go out with him and watch what he says and does then apply those methods to talking with this girl or even other girls that don't intimidate you for practice.

    Don't invest too much of your feelings so you won't feel so intimidated by her....just treat her like one of your friends.....never ever put a girl up on a pedestal, they don't like it, they want to be treated like anyone else.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Btw man I just noticed the topic name. It says that you failed with her already beacuse this mindset is useless. - You think shes good and mature but you never spoke with her, so you have no idea what she thinks. Also you are infuated cause you think shes angel yet never told her that _ she never did anything to you to make you think this way. She did so much damage to your defense that you are doubting yourself already. You might feel that you are mepty in terms on what to say to her but it is like that because you never spoke with her but spend this verbal energy dreaming and imaginating good things about her. You can always compliment girls and sas more you speak as easier it becomes. Just like training muscle. Dont be intimated by good looks.

    Did explained this in older post already

    Realise that girls are wearing make up and high heels. Also this are not the guy who falls under beautiful women spell. Confidence. You can get only girls you think you deserve.



    From my expierience I have found girls who are realy beautiful yet shy and pist off when guys not aproaching them directly. You will find a lot of compliments on their Fb wall and even poems about their beauty from guys. Yet most guys are discoraged by incredible looks to aproach girl in life and actually threat her like just a simple girl and take from her without thinking if she like it but because you want it.

    Its importand to realise that she might be the most beautiful on the planet but you are more beautiful. Thats the way to love yourself. When you fell in love with yourself its easy to make others fell for you. This partly shows the secret of beautiful girl. Also its easier to deal with girls who have confidence.. You get back better response and they bring in less complexes than girls whos not used to unique attention and good attitude.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I tried to reply... guess it dint go through.

    anyway, I have spoken with her before. Sorry, I wasnt very clear. we work together. she always smile, waves and says hi to me. but i dont know if shes just being nice or if she likes me.

    plus i have no idea how to have a conversation with her. i know that sounds stupid... but its true.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Ok just start with asking her how her day is going. Out of her response you can pick out what can lead into another conversation, like she could respond like "oh I'm so tired from helping my mom" then you can ask "oh what are you helping her with? "Her: Just cleaning out some stuff from the garage to donate". You:"Hah so is there anything good? Maybe your mom could sell some of it," on and on....that is how a conversation flows....pretty simple.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Just talk about your passions. About things that you spend most your free time on. Ask if shes tried it and if she likes it. So you have something to talk about. If she dont know anything about your stuff then ask her what she likes.

    I always start neutral like"Do you like this job? Yeah same here. You could do so much better. Who do you wana be in future? What are you doing after you finish shift? Have you been in that place? Im going there today do you wana come?

    Pretty much like that. Open a window of opurtunity for her. If she steps in great if not even better. - You made a progress and got things clear aswell as didnt wasted your time. Actually if you realy dont wana waste time then first question can be " Do you have a boyfriend?"

    The fact that shes smiling at you and waving means shes a friendly person and even if shes taken or not interested she will stay friendly to you and respect you just because you tried.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by pcmaster View Post
    Just talk about your passions. About things that you spend most your free time on. Ask if shes tried it and if she likes it. So you have something to talk about. If she dont know anything about your stuff then ask her what she likes.

    I always start neutral like"Do you like this job? Yeah same here. You could do so much better. Who do you wana be in future? What are you doing after you finish shift? Have you been in that place? Im going there today do you wana come?

    Pretty much like that. Open a window of opurtunity for her. If she steps in great if not even better. - You made a progress and got things clear aswell as didnt wasted your time. Actually if you realy dont wana waste time then first question can be " Do you have a boyfriend?"

    The fact that shes smiling at you and waving means shes a friendly person and even if shes taken or not interested she will stay friendly to you and respect you just because you tried.
    ok ill give it a try...

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