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Thread: Got a response after 3 weeks (claimed she didn't see email.) Now unsure of next move.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Got a response after 3 weeks (claimed she didn't see email.) Now unsure of next move.

    3 weeks ago I was posting about a girl at the chiro office whom quit, and then told a coworker to ask me if I missed her. I said "sure, of course." After her adding me on a business social media website, I sent her a quick message asking how she was doing and that we should all (me, her, and coworker) get a drink sometime.

    This is her reply:

    OH MY GOD I just wrote you a ginormous email and flipped to another screen and came back and it disappeared. Did any of it go through? I might have to kill myself.

    Short version:
    Linkedin no tell me you email me: I just find out

    I'm unemployed besides dementia hand posing

    Running in******** =horse crap on your shoes

    Make plans with [coworker] and I will be there.

    I want a Hannibal lector mask. I just ordered Stephen king's "IT" to read. Please look up "house" a Japanese horror movie from the 70's which is in the criterion collection. You will LOVE IT FOREVER

    When I am done with my master's in business I'm going to ride on the front of your bicycle in the basket and help you deliver pizzas.

    The end. I'm going to go cry now

    Yes I know she's a little out there. But hows her level of interest here? How long do I wait to reply? I go to chiro in 3 days, so I could wait till then to maybe see if coworker brings it up (if they are in cahoots). Thoughts?

    PS for those who remember and scolded me, I am officially single.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    I say she is interested. You got a response right?
    Yes is sounds silly but you should hear some of the shit I say when a guy is flirting with me. Kind of brings out a "giddy" feeling. She was probably excited to communicate with you. That and maybe she is sagittarius. We are nutty like that.

    Just maybe give it a day or two to write back. There are so many "rules" about how long to wait etc but man, it is all crap. Well like this - I am kinda-sorta dating this one lady and the first time we talked was Nov 2012. After Dec, we lost contact and then Nov 2013 I got in touch and now we sometimes hang out. You never know.

    Some people think if someone wants to date, they should be attached at the hip from day one but this is NOT true. People have lives.
    Always remember that YOU are the most important person in your world.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Well, in my earlier thread from weeks ago, a couple people thought that they were maybe working together as a team, and that it was maybe the other girl that actually likes me. But i cant pick up on it. Just something i thought of since she DID say "make plans with ****** and ill be there."

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Well i sent a reply after 2 day wait. It was similarly "weird" and similar length, and i also said I would mention something to the coworker Wednesday about us all hanging out. We shall see how it goes...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    her response :

    I REALLY LIKE your profile picture. It scare me. I was thinking shooting myself in the head would be the best but I don't own a gun and I don't know how to buy one. And I'd feel bad for my mom to have to possibly see that shit mess. I grew up watching horror movies but I can't actually look at that dead body stuff at all. I went to a funeral semi recently and was so grossed out by how the skin muscles were detached from the face but there was makeup on the kid. Blech.

    My mom goes to Alaska a lot-it looks really pretty. Did you bicycle through the whole thing? I no understand. That sounds too hard. Sounds like something ***** would do. You guys should go on a man date.

    I look forward to looking at your horror movie thingies. My dad is dead on Jack Nicholson in the Shining in every way. He looks like him, he writes, and he's a giant asshole. My mom and I talk about it sometimes.


    possible friendzone ? meh, whatever.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    If by "friendzone" you mean "she isn't romantically interested in me, but still enjoys my company as a friend" then yes, it is possible.

    Have you asked her out on a date? If not, do so. Make sure you make it clear that it's a date.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    i feel like her reference to having a "man date" with her former employer was her saying shes not interested?

    i also feel like "forgetting" to ask the coworker tomorrow about making plans and see if she says something. acting nonchalent instead of being a go-getter

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Uh, why would the "man date" comment mean that she's not interested? Don't jump to conclusions.

    I don't think you should play silly games. Tell her that you'd rather go on a date alone with her.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    got a reply: short, but kinda confusing. i dont know whats shes referring to as for "would rather do "this" than drinking.

    should i reply back asking to clarify?

    anyways, here it is

    Oh my god I would rather go to this than go drinking but I have a midterm on Monday and Wednesday and ****** has school on Tuesday. What time is it on Tuesday because I could still go?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Friends zoned. And House was OK. Dawn of the dead is way better.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    btw if she was interested she wouldn't wait 3 weeks to contact you and say casual stuff that doesn't indicate any sexual or romantic interest. It's pretty obvious she isn't looking to date you, not sure why you are having trouble seeing that.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    how do you "interpret" to say "fz" for certainty?

    the 3 wk deal was she claimed to have not seen the message...

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Please google "the ladder theory" and read the section on friend zoning.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    im familiar with it, thanks. maybe im in denial. should i just go mia? or go out and see what happens? nothing ventured, nothing gained. i dont care the outcome.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    i got that answer from someone else too. care to explain, (not that i disagree, but i might be in slight denial.)

    in my perspective, this is what happened

    1. she asks coworker to ask me if i missed her
    2. she adds me on a social network site
    3. i email her
    4. hear back 3 weeks later, she claimed to have just seen it
    5. been going back and forth daily now

    last msg indicate tuesday, as in, maybe she just wants me and her?

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