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Thread: Guy I like trying to make me jealous?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Guy I like trying to make me jealous?

    Hiya, I am a newbie to the site. I have been seeing a guy for about a month now, who I really like a lot, and he knows about it. He does like me back and has expressed his feelings about me, but without sounding big headed I feel he likes me more much than he is letting on. We have slept together, but are not offically together.

    I've noticed that he mentions other girls a lot and has been talking about a girl he has met recently, and keeps mentioning her a bit in conversations, and always says about the simlarities that they have. I joked around about the two of them and he replied with "dont start getting jealous" and saying I was being silly. I can see him as being the type of guy who likes to play mind games, and I have a feeling he is trying to make me jealous on purpose. He has acted jealous around me before when I've talked to other guys etc.

    To make the situation more tricky, we arranged to meet up while out clubbing this weekend, (I'll be with some of my work friends who are all girls) and has said to me today that he has invited a different girl who I've only heard of since yesterday along with him. She invited him to her birthday party later in the month, and has said to him she would like a 'catchup'. They used to work together and he says "they get on like a house on fire". I've noticed she has been texting him a lot the past two days too. Should I be bothered about this? How should I react on the night when I see her? I'm just hoping he doesn't spend the whole night with her

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Do you want an exclusive relationship with this guy? If so tell him. And let him know that you won't settle for anything less. Time to act like a grown up. And tell him that unless you get what you want then no more shagging.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Seriously. Once you start having sex your first question after you sponge off (actually it should be before you have sex) is that you want exclusivity and if he doesn't want to give it then you don't shag anymore. Obviously you want to be more then his fk buddy so stop being his fk buddy and talk to him before you become one of many... which is what it sounds like he's trying to accomplish. Don't think that if he's bringing another girl along with him that its just to make you jealous.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Its obvious that this guy don't want something serious with you. If he does, he wouldn't be telling you about his next date in town with another girl while you there sitting down and smiling at him.

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