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Thread: How to regain a friendship with this Girl?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    How to regain a friendship with this Girl?

    Hey everyone!! I'm new to this forum, I'm 19 and I haven't been in any relationships. I'm really interested in having a relationship but things never work out. I have been suffering with Anxiety and Depression since I was 15. I am very self conscious on how I look because I got criticised and bullied by some people from my school. I often did a good job of hiding my depression, but recently I had to tell some people because my parents had split up back in September/October and it just made things worse, and one of those people was this Girl who is my next door neighbour.
    This Girl has been living next door to me for 5 years, she was in my school year, we never really talked that much, maybe just a "Hello here and there but that was it. Back in August, I had a Message off this Girl from Facebook. She told me that we was going to the same College as me and she would like to give me lifts, I was up for it but a bit nervous because I didn't really know her that well and I am a shy person. I'm shy but once I get to know someone very well, I then get comfortable around them. When she started to give me lifts we got on very well, we would talk 4-5 times a week. I thought of her as a good friend(Even though we didn't know each for that long yet) Sometimes after October, I was feeling really down due to what happened with my Parents, and I had to go and see a therapist. This Girl knew about it and she told me that I could always go to her for a chat. This is what I said.
    Me "Thank you, you have your own problems, I don't want to annoy you or anything"
    Her: "Don't be silly I'm glad you can talk to me, I just hope you are ok, you know where I am if you need anything"

    She was also very friendly with me, Because we were getting on so well, I started to have feelings for her, but I didn't want to risk telling her because I didn't want it to ruin our friendship. But during December I checked my Facebook and I found out that she had blocked me, I asker why she blocked me, she told me that she had just deleted it instead. I knew she was lying because one of my friends had her on Facebook. A few days later I had another lift from this Girl to the College, she was kinda moody, I don't fully remember how the conversation went but it was something like this.

    Me: "I can't wait for Christmas coming up, it's something to look forward too"
    Her: "I'm only getting money, I'm going to be really lonely during Christmas
    Me: You should go and see some out your friends during the holidays.
    Her: I suppose, I don't want to be lonely

    I felt like an idiot then, I wished I told her that we could hang out during the Holidays. Because when she was talking to me, she was smiling, but it don't explain why she lied about deleting me on Facebook a few days before.

    We continued talking up until the Christmas holidays when something bad happened. Apparently my best friend had made a fake account and he was sending her messages on Facebook, apparently he was telling her to stop bothering with me because what I had been going through, and that he didn't trust her. I had a phonecall of her and she was crying to me saying that he was calling her abusive things and that she wanted me to do something. I seen me male friend a day later, I was furious about what he was doing, but it turned out that she had exaggerated half of the stuff. He never said abusive stuff, she was the one calling him a psycho and a freak etc.
    I had a text off her a few days after Christmas, she told me that if he says things to her again, then she wouldn't be my friend anymore.
    I knocked her house a day later and I asked her if I could talk about what happened because I felt bad for her. She told me she didn't want to talk and that she had to get ready to go somewhere.
    A few days later I texted her and asked if she was okay
    Her: I'm fine thanks, do you still want a lift next week?
    Me: Yeah that'll be great thank you
    Her: Okay but I need a fiver though
    Me: haha bugger off(I was obviously joking)
    Her: Everybody gives me money when they have a lift, they don't get lifts for free, if you don't like it don't have a lift
    Me: I was just joking
    Her: Whatever I don't do jokes
    Me: okay I have to go, I'll see you soon
    Her: No talk to me now Mun
    She was acting strange and I don't know why

    I also found out that she had unblocked me from Facebook, and a few days later she sent me a message telling me that she couldn't give me lifts anymore. I was hurt because I told her we could still be friends, The thing is I couldn't turn my back on my other friend for not liking her because I had known him since I was 11. He has helped me through some rough patches and he stuck by me.
    We were talking less and less due to what had happened, I apologised for what had happened between him and her, she told me that she still wants to be my friend. However a week later I asked her how she was, but she blocked me again. I got pissed off at this, I thought that I was good to her and there for her when she needed me, she also promised me that she'd help me too and be there as friend to me. I sent her a text saying if she's going to be like that, then I don't want her to be all false to my mother(She'd always talk to my mother when she'd see it) I told her I had done nothing wrong and that we should move on and remain friends. she replied saying
    Her: I want to remove myself from the situation, if we be friends then ben(My male friend who I've been on about) will say more things to me.
    I had a word with Ben and he doesn't even mind that we are friends, he just thinks she's been childish that she's taking it out on me just because him and her don't get along.

    2 weeks later I seen her in College with 3 guys, I didn't know what to say when I seen her. As soon as she seen me, she grabbed 2 of these guy's arms and started to flirt with both of them right in front of me, I thought to myself I'll be friendly and just say Hi. I said hi to her but she barely acknowledged me and she just said hi to me through gritted teeth. It's been a month since I seen her, but I would just like to remain friends with her.

    Her mother and my mother get on well together, and I've tried apologising to her for what had happened. My male friend wants me and her to be friends again. What should I do, sorry that it's a lot.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    All you can do is apologize for your friend for coming between the two of you and hope that she forgives him instead of blaming you. Offer her the fiver for gas as it's probably cheaper then taking public transportation and definitely more convenient.

    Does your mother and her mother know how mean she's being to you by blaming you for what your friend Ben caused? If everything you've said took place as is, then Ben is the one who needs to back off and quit causing such problems. Perhaps if Ben apologized to her and reiterated that you didn't do anything against her she'd come around????
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Wakeup View Post
    All you can do is apologize for your friend for coming between the two of you and hope that she forgives him instead of blaming you. Offer her the fiver for gas as it's probably cheaper then taking public transportation and definitely more convenient.

    Does your mother and her mother know how mean she's being to you by blaming you for what your friend Ben caused? If everything you've said took place as is, then Ben is the one who needs to back off and quit causing such problems. Perhaps if Ben apologized to her and reiterated that you didn't do anything against her she'd come around????
    Thanks. Ben apologised to her on Facebook 2 weeks ago, the thing is she hasn't seen the message yet, and he said he feels really bad for what's happened. I haven't had a lift off her since December, I go by Train it's cheaper. There's no way for me to be able to Aplogise to her now, I think she has a new phone and I don't have her number anymore.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I thought you lived beside her? Go over and TALK to her face-to-face.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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