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Thread: I want to stop trolling myself

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    I want to stop trolling myself

    Here's the situation:

    I've liked this girl on and off for about two years. I say on and off not because I've been unsure of my feelings but because of pressure from parents, I've had to suppress how I felt about her for fear of disapproval. Not something I'm proud of but it's in the past now.
    We're friends, but haven't ever gotten that close due to the fact that we're both kinda anti-social. I want to ask her out but given our past friendship, I'm not quite sure how to word things.

    If I ask "Do you want to go out with me?", I'll feel sleazy.
    If I ask "Do you want to be my girlfriend?", well...that sounds a little old fashioned. Do people still say that?

    Oh btw she's never been in a relationship before so asking her to watch a movie or eat dinner would not work. I've tried it before; she doesn't take the hint.

    Thank you for your time for reading this. I appreciate your generous feedback.

    Oh as for the post title, I have been trolling myself with this girl because mutual friends have told me she liked me in the past but I ignored them because of my aforementioned parents. Not once, not twice but at least three fcking times.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    You'll feel sleazy if you ask her out? Huh?!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    I wish I could be of more help, but I myself still have to kind of learn how to ask women out. I was in a long term relationship that was very bad for me. That relationship started as friends, so the transition into being more than friends was a little smoother in that case, mostly because that was sort of where it was heading before either of us even realized it. But, in the long run, that relationship was very bad for me, and getting out of it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. Anyway... long story short, I am just now thinking of getting back into the dating scene, and still haven't really learned how exactly to do that. LOL!

    ....I did have a point here... oh right...

    I will say this... at this point, she obviously thinks of you as a friend. Does that mean she can ONLY see you as a friend? Maybe, maybe not. My point is, if you just simply ask her out (such as to the movies or dinner, as you say you have) she is likely to just think you mean as friends. So, if you are going to ask her out, as in on a date, you will need to make that clear. I would also think it is likely not going to be the same as just asking out some girl you like. She has been a friend of yours, so you will probably have to have something of a conversation about it. Not just a simple "Hey, do you want to go out with me" like you might some other random girl you ask out.

    I am hoping others here with more experience in that kind of situation can offer you advice on how to ask her out. I don't really know myself. But, I think when you get more of an understanding of the situation, that is a good start. And, as I said, it seems like the thought of dating you has not crossed her mind. Again, that could mean she only sees you as a friend, or it could simply mean she just never thought of it. You won't really know unless you ask her out. Just remember, if you do ask her out on a date, and she really can only see you as a friend, that could potentially hinder the friendship. So, that is another thing to consider. If you want to be with her, that may be a risk worth taking, but that is something you will have to decide. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    You're making this WAY to complicated. You say the TRUTH. " I like you, I have been doing X,Y,Z for the last 2 years because of A,B,C." If she is down you have undone 2 years of approach avoidance. If not, no more what if's and you get to move on.

    A man that stratagizes so he can't get a negative response is timid and unlikely to attract any woman.

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