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Thread: I was raped..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    I was raped..

    About 9 months ago i was out in the park with my baby son enjoying the day letting him laugh at the ducks as I fed them when I noticed my sons nappy need changing so I went to the park toilets that I have always used.

    I went in to the toilets there was a young girl stood at the taps with her back to me. Long blonde hair black jumper black leggings scarf fur gillet and ug boots I felt safe knowing there was another female was there so I said hi she ignored me and I started to change my son. As soon as I started I felt someone grab me and felt a leather glove on my face I was pushed into a stall to see the girl with scarf covering half her face then I noticed in her leggings she had an lump and relised it was a man he slammed the door shut and placed his had on my mouth and told me to be quiet or he will kill my son. I was so terrified for my son and me I let him do what he had to do.

    He finished and for a strange reason thanked me and said no one would believe me there's no CCTV footage of a man entering the toilets I just sat there and cried wanting to get to my son as I watched him pull scarf back up over half his face and pick up a handbag and just walk out the loos.

    I did report it to the police but nothing has happend and I'm scared to take my son to the park and my husband is trying to be supportive but it's hard for him
    I am just scared of everybody now it's so hard for me to just go to the shops even when I'm with someone.
    What should i do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Get professional counseling. Seeing a rape counselor, and finding a rape support group is what you should do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Mental hospital could really help you. You need some serious attention and antidepresants. Your husband need help aswell. In order to help you he needs to receive help first. He might feel like he failed as a man to protect you and this guild coult be destroying him. You need professional to help you get rid of the fear. When its done you will have enought courage too visit toilets again.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

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