A number of things recently have sparked my curiousity in this, mainly a porno I found. It wasn't the kind of porn I normally watch, not really into bondage or anything but it did show this girl tied down and made to endure a vibrator, sybian, or sex machine for long periods of time, like to the point where she couldn't speak or stop shaking. In the beginning the guy who does this to her explains that after orgasming for a while women start to loose the ability to speak or function.

Normally, coming from a porno I wouldn't take this sort of thing seriously but with the last girl I was in a relationship with she did sometimes cum hard enough and long enough that she couldn't speak straight for a few minutes. No, I'm not intentionally bragging or lying lol. The first time this happened it kind of made me wonder if intense enough orgasms induce a kind of high. I had never done that to a girl before. Thats what got me wondering, what happens when a woman has that many orgasms? If not more, like in the porno I watched. I'm not asking because it turns me on *looks down and blushes a little* I'm asking more out of curiosity.

When I looked it up, it kind of does sound like orgasm in both men and women induce a kind of high. Apparently women typically have longer orgasms? For some reason I vaguely recall this being a myth but it sounds plausable from what a few women have told me and from my own experiences, though it seems that reaching that kind of high is nearly impossible for me to fully achieve alone.

On the same page of that video and in a few other places I found that relate to the video I noticed few people mentioned that extremely prolonged orgasms are dangerous and possibly fatal. I'm not an idiot, this does honestly sound like crap but seeing it mentioned in comments a few times and again in search pages made me wonder. Does anyone know anything about this?

From what I've read so far, it stull sounds like a stupid myth but I figured it's possible since its very possible to over do any kind of pleasure but what actually happens? The only theory I've heard is that once the brain shuts down due to intense, prolonged orgasm other organs start to go. I kind of doubt this is true though I generally don't take stuff like this seriously when coming from a strange men weilding phalic-shaped vibrating devices who is probably getting paid to say it.

Also, its kind of hard to look stuff like this up because a large amount of what pops up is usually more porn and for once I'm not actually looking for porn this time. Has there actually been any scientific studies done on female multiple orgasms? Specifically when they're experienced over long periods of time due to stimulation? I know there's a medical condition that does this but I mean in a normal healthy woman, not someone with a special condition.