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Thread: So Lost with my love life

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    So Lost with my love life

    I am so confused and i really do not know what to do any more. I would really like some advice.

    I have been with my partner for over 15 years, we met when we were 19 and have been married for 12 years. The last 22 months we have been separated living apart (4000 Miles). We do have children together and still talk frequently about what we are doing and about the children.

    I still try to play an active role in my children's life, they fly out to see me and stay with me for 9 weeks of the year and i fly back to them for a total of 6 weeks. I skype them every day to help with homework's and to read the youngest bed time stories. I still pay the mortgage on the home where they live.

    Over the years we drifted apart, it could have been because we have both been concentrating on the kids and not enough time on each other. But we are where we are. Still talking but there has not been any intimate moments for over 9 months. I think both of us have the same thinking that the relationship is well and truly over but neither of us wants to bring up the divorce subject.

    Current Situation

    I have met a wonderful woman where i now work and live, and have been seeing each other for 3 months. I know this is technically cheating on my wife. I really do not know how to tell my wife that we both need closure and need to get divorced. I didn't expect to find anyone where i live and work and was not looking it just happened when we were introduced and went from there. I feel bad for not getting divorced sooner, but i did have a hope that our differences could be reconciled within the 1st year we were apart. But we drifted into the friends zone and thats how it has stayed.

    I have come to terms that my wife does not want to be with me and have spent the last 6-9 months coming to terms with that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by JamieP;


    I have come to terms that my wife does not want to be with me and have spent the last 6-9 months coming to terms with that.
    So what is the problem then? Can't you just be honest and tell her that you met someone?

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