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Thread: I don't know

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    I don't know

    Hi all

    I badly need help. I am married, I have a kid and a beautiful girlfriend too. My wife loves and truly cares for me and we are a great family. Its 4th year of my marriage. Problem is suddenly I miss my g.f madly whom I met 6 months before of my marriage, and we are supposed to marry. Last moment my g.f's family backed out because she was in her initial stage of her engineering, somehow I managed to accept things and got marred next month with another lady arranged by my family.

    I was in touch with my g.f only by very rare casual phone calls, or she calls me only when she is in problem. After two years she finished her studies, our phone call frequency increased, casual talks turned in to intense discussion, why we broke up? why all these happened? she bl em me, I bl em her family and luck....this...that. Then we started meeting weekly and now almost daily.

    After a month we calm down and try to accept present. So many time I suggest her to make another boyfriend or get married which I never want to say. She said she is not ready for marriage but she will try to make a b.f. and she tried to, but I think every time she is comparing the new guy with me, so she is not getting result and I feel she will never accept anyone.

    Last one and half years are gone like this...She never told me I love you, I told her once before my marriage but I feel she do. She never intimated with me only a few kisses and hugs till date.

    I tried to stop here as I am badly affecting my family and professional life by keeping this relationship. So I sent one sms that I want to quit here. god bless you and switched off my shim card. That night I could not able to sleep, I felt like dying, I wanted to cry but could not, I was feeling scared, I was burning and feeling death could be much better than loosing her.

    Next day she called for a coffee...I followed her like a child...she ordered two cups then she showed that sms and shouted at me how dare you... I had nothing to say...

    Then onward we are meeting everyday...I can't work...always thinking of her.... when she will call... I am completely screwed....I don't know where I ll end up.....Help...Help..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Sydney, Australia
    Cut contact with this ex immeadiatly. What the **** are you doing?

    Delete her number, block her on fb, email.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Just because you loved her before you met your wife, it doesn't make her special in any way. She's just an ex like any other and should have no place in your present life. Ex-es belong to the past.

    Your only loyalty is for your wife. This arranged marriage you're part of could make you very happy if it wasn't for you allowing your ex in your life again. Would you like your wife to dream of an ex she couldn't marry? I suppose you wouldn't. Arranged or not, if there is love and a baby, you should respect it and not allow ex-es or other temptations that could ruin your happiness, your wife's and daugther's.

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