Me and this amazing girl, both 28, have been together for just four months excluding two months dating. Personalities aside, we match quite well in all other areas - looks, income, life outlook and religion.

She keeps saying that she needs a confident guy, one to look up to. I'm super caring though will admit I lack confidence even if my profile says otherwise - Ivy league, hedge fund, $100k annual, V-shape, musician, girls love me at the club. Let's just say I'm smart, know how to get around, but introverted. This is crucial for later.

Recently, a change in her job from one that is more relaxed to one more intense is, to me, creating a dent in her spirits. Think misquoting numbers result in big financial losses. She is less upbeat, cheerful and more serious and distracted.

A result of this is that our communication and chemistry has lessen. Now, usually I'll be the guy to step in and lift her up. However, the mystery is whether this change is bringing to light the mismatch between me and the guy she ideally wants.

Before, with my profile, she was drawn to me where the love drug has confused her in thinking I'm that confident alpha guy who can trump her in spite me telling her I'm not. Now, when she's looking for that alpha guy to steer her out of this rut, she's disappointed to not find that in me.

Key points:
1. I'm not the jealous sort. Never once I demanded her time. This is not a question of insecurity.
2. I'm taking steps in trying to be the alpha guy - seeking a move to a more intense environment, be more confident.
3. Contrary to what many think, I'm not a player. If this doesn't work out, I won't jump to the next available girl. There's more meaningful things in my life which I would rather do - start up's, financial markets, church stuff.

1. Are these relationship changes normal given the moods swings of the female species?
2. Is there hope in me fighting for her given I am not the alpha guy? Does love trump confidence in the end?
3. Should I be the better person in initiating a separation because she's afraid she won't find a guy more caring than me but I know the relationship she wants will always lack something, the alpha guy.