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Thread: Need urgent help and advice(really long)!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Need urgent help and advice(really long)!

    It's my 1st post here.I never asked other persons opinion before, but I really feel in need,so I want your advice.But first let me explain you how I started to get a crush on with this guy which is 2 years younger than me.

    It all started back at April during classes(I'm in highschool).I wast at school with my girlfriends.And all sounded like a normal day.
    Me and my friends where talking to each other and laughing,when i realised that someone was kind of watching me,so,I looked around and saw two guys(which one of them I know from seeing him around school,and his quite popular).They were both with a smile on their faces.
    Anyway,I didn't care much about them.
    Later that morning ,when I was heading to the same place(to the benches) we were early in the morning,this popular guy was in the same place that he was early in the morning.
    When he saw me, he and some of his friends started to call me "hey,doll".At this point I didn't know he was saying that to me,because my girlfriends were with me and they could be saying that to one of them.
    So, my best friend,when he and one of his friends passed us by, she started to mess around with him too(Though,she wasn't interested on him), by saying "Psst" many times,til she misunderstood and started to imitate a cat.
    After classes,one of his friends(the guy who I have currently a crush on) pass me by and started like "Kitty,kitty!",because of my friend mistake.
    So,I only figured out that this popular guy was interested in me when on Monday in school,when I was with my girlfriends,he asked a guy to ask me my name.
    On Thursday,during the English class,our class went to the amphitheater,where some other students where to.
    When I first came in, I got really surprised with the quantity of people there was.In fact,there were so many people(the space is quite small), that me and my friends had to sit down in the wooden platform,because the chairs were all occupied.Once more, I looked around,and saw that popular guy over at the top.when he saw me he started doing that "Kitty" thing,that his friend had done when he saw me on the Friday before.
    But,when I looked at my right side,one of his friends who also messed around with me was sitted right next to me.So,when he saw me he started to mess around with me again with the "Kitty" thing.
    I also heard the "kitty" sound,tha came from very near but I didn't pay much attention.
    After a while of messing around with me,that guy said something,and the guy which was on the set of chairs behind him said "You're sitting right next to the doll and you're still complaining?".
    Some minutes later the guy which was right next to me told me that the guy who was behind him (which was the guy who I have a crush on) was calling me(which he wasn't) .So, i looked back at the guy, and he laughed at me with a funny smile.
    A couple of days after this I met this popular guy,which i had a crush on,but it turned out,that he only wanted to meet me because of a bet.
    It was after this,maybe 2 weeks later,that I started to look more at his friend,and eventually started to have a crush on.

    Everytime I saw him I was always looking at him,and when he looked at me I could barely take my eyes from him.
    I don't know if he discovered tha I liked him,but I just know that when I passed by him and some of his friends(which weren't friends of that popular guy),they started to look at me.
    Though,he may not knew that i liked him,he certainly knew that there was a girl interested in him,because I've wrote on some of the classroom tables where he took classes that I wanted to meet him(I didn't indentify me,though).
    It was one time,that I was with my girlfriends,and he was taking classes in a classroom,who windows were directly toward the place where I was,which wasn't very far.He was turned back to the window,so he couldn't see me,but I could see him,and so I stood there staring at him.But that popular guy,who was from his class had already seen me,and so the guy which I have a crush on kooked back and laughed at me with that funny smile.
    I didn't know why,but he moved to the bench on his left,and from ther I couldn't see him anymore,because the window were closed.
    And so,the school year finished.

    The school year started yesterday,and i got happy to see him again,though I tried to forget him and I'm still trying,but I just can't.Well,deep inside I don't want to forget him.Why?I just don't know.
    Yesterday whe I first saw him,he didn't see him,but when I was with my girlfriends chatting,he passed by us.While he was walking and still hadn't passed by us,I was looking at him,but when he passed by,I imediately desviei o olhar.But my best friend,while I was looking elsewhere said "He's looking at you!He's looking at you!".I didn't want to be with too much hopes regarding him,so,I said to myself that he was looking at me,because it was the first time he saw me after the holidays.
    Later in the day,some hours before finishing school,I was standing with my girlfriends near the bar school,and he was with some his new class friends,standing and talking to them.
    And there I was encostada ao bar always looking at him,hoping to get noticed.I managed to get noticed by him,but only because he leaned down,and incidentally looked at the bar.
    He hadn't noticed him before, because where he was,the tree's foliage was blocking his view.
    I don't know why he did that, but after he looked at me,he head toward the other bench and sitted down and started to talk to a guy who was next to him.From there, I could see him even better,and I almost sure that he could see me much better to.
    So, when I looked at him,many times,he was looking at me.Most of the times, when I looked at him he wasn't looking at me,and when after he looked at me,I "withdraw" the eyes.Other times we were both looking at each other, but I couldn't fix my eyes on him for too long,and so I "withdraw" my eyes.

    This guy,which I have a crush on his quite different from that popular guy.Though,they were friends,they don't hang out no more because the other guy failed and he passed.
    What I really want his some piece of advice from you to tell me what can I do to get to know him,or what to do.
    Just one question,which I hope you got an answer for: why did he moved from the place he was to the benches?
    I hope you understood me well enough.
    Thanks you,in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003


    I need urgent help!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Just talk to him. I know you might've wanted a larger response but that really is the best way to get to know him. Just strike up a conversation. Everything in your post is just a lot of observational stuff, you've never thought of talking to this boy? It all sounds way too much like middle school, especially the popular guy sending someone to ask you your name. Just go for it. Step the maturity level up a notch.
    Heit ist mein taug.

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