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Thread: I can't stop thinking of my ex girlfriend,i don't know what to do anymore

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    I can't stop thinking of my ex girlfriend,i don't know what to do anymore

    So i was in a relationship with this girl for one month, which i like a lot. We broke up cause of ego problems and that she needed some time alone. As time was passing by i followed the ''NO CONTACT'' rule since we broke up. After one week of our break up she was telling one of my girl friends she misses me and that i've done something to her and that she still thinks of me. Then i saw her randomly on the street where she was asking me if i still like her and stuff like that, i told her i need time to think about it and that we'll talk some other time (she's in a relationship) and also i asked her about her current boyfriend and she answered me she's with him just for fun and that she likes me only. Then out of the blue she started taking my girl-friends out !!! who she doesn't talk too much with them!!! (just to get my attention) i didn't show any weakness about it by still not talking to her. So 2 weeks passed by and i left for vacation, the day i left some friends of mine gathered to one of my friend's Gf house and she was there too. The other day i learned that she made out with one of my friends as they were all drunk. The funny thing is she used to tell me that he's very ugly and that he will never go with him. It pissed me off so much, and got me hurt so bad that i'm still in shock and don't know what to do. Oh and after that has happened they guy's who my EX made out close friends started talking to me asking how i was and stuff like that everyday since then... I dont know what to do help me (Is she doing it in purpose to get me jealous and mad or what? ) I didn't show anything to her, i bet she knows i heard about what she has done, i didn't contact her since then, what about now? she simply does not care anymore? My point is that how can you do all that to someone (make me jealous to get my attention) and then nothing? In her Facebook account she seems normal and happy and stuff posting pics with her friends and all that.I can't stop thinking of her...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    I didn't get one thing. You say she had a boyfriend one week after you two broke up. Was she still in that relationship when she made out with your friend?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    i'm not sure i don't really know

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    It's hard to forget about her I know. You'll have to try your best. Get out, meet new people, keep yourself occupied. Time will heal all wounds.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    This girl is an attention whore plain and simple. She feeds off drama. She loves the attention. It gives her some sort of ego boost.

    You can do better than this. I am assuming you are quite young so a month seems like a big deal but trust me a one month relationship is not worth being upset about. She wants a reaction from you and if you give in, you will just feed her ego. You need to ignore, block her, have zero contact, act like you really don't care, your over her and very soon you will be.

    You don't need a girl like this messing with your head and dragging you down. There are much nicer, less complicated girls around who you would be much happier with so focus on getting over her and being emotionally/mentally strong and healthy so you can offer the very best of you to someone worthy of your time and attention

    Good luck

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