
I've been with my gf for 8 years, I might add I'm in my mid 40's. Our relationship has been great in places (lots of them), but we do argue about silly things. We have a 4.5 year old girl and have lived together for 7 years.

Our arguments have been quite heavy at times and instead of letting the things go she would say, I have reacted and argued back, sometimes saying things in the heat of the moment I didn't really mean, (not in front of our girl).
I now know i should have been able to stop the arguments by not reacting or giving her a little space followed by an understanding cuddle which I am quite capable of, I just didn't see it at the time and now she has asked for time out to reassess our relationship. She said the spark wasn't there at the moment, and has said she loves me but isn't in love with me right now.

I didn't want to of course as she is my world, the love of my life, my daughter is the most amazing girl and I love her as.. well words can't explain.
So after a few days I've left our house but I'm so depressed and cut up. I can't concentrate on anything and my stomach is in knots so I have no appetite and can't sleep well.

I would move the earth to be back with her and have told her i CAN be the person she wants me to be, I do respect her need for space and time to think, we are in semi contact to talk about our girl and when I will see her. I just need to hear if moving out is the right thing to do, she wanted it but didn't seem too happy to see me go.

What is going through her mind and should I show or tell her that I will do anything to get her back? To get our family back. Should I talk to her strictly about our daughter or shall I try to broach the subject of us?

I just feel lost, sorry for the list of questions but a female perspective would be so much appreciated right now.

She talked about a possible solution we could try in the future to do with our working arrangements that would give us more time quality time together and time to do our own things too, so I feel there's a thread of hope from her there.

Thankyou eagerly awaiting any replies.