So I made a similar post in another section but this girl Ive been talking to for a little over a year said when I told her that i really like her and have feeling for her and want to be with her someday told me she's not ready for a relationship and doesn't know whether she wants to be with a man or a woman and wants to "wait until shes been a year sober" says she also has feelings for this girl she likes. She says she has some feelings for me too but I dont know I think she's just trying to let me down easy. She suggested that maybe we shouldn't talk as much because she doesn't want me to get hurt or mad but the damage has already been done. I feel like she's kinda been ****ing with my head...I mean lately Im the one calling her and she only calls me when returning a call so I guess I should of taken that hint but I dont know...I am moving back to her state in 2 months and am worried when Ill see her at an aa meeting that she will be with the girl and obviously look like their together and I just don't want to get anymore hurt...I dont know what to do now...should I even call her anymore? I feel like at least for a week I shouldn't make any contact with her but then I start to really want to talk to her and I can't get over her...Im kind of pissed at her because I feel played and Ive given her my heart and she just ripped it apart yet she always acts so cool with me when we talk. when I text her she always takes a long ass time to text back and when I call her she doesnt pick up or call back for awhile and claims that she's always Im just really stressed about this but theres nothing i can do to change her...Ive never felt this way about a girl anymore and have never been in love so i dont know what to do...any advise will be helpful