Im a 17 (just turned 17) year old guy, and she is 15 (about to turn 16), so were both in high school. So, I've had this crush on this girl for a few months, but over the past few months, she and I have kind of been becoming pretty close. I even broke up with my girlfriend so that way i could be single and also kinda chase after this girl (it was a very unhealthy relationship anyway) Ive been her friend through a break up and through her liking 2 different guys (guy number one didn't like her back, but he took advantage of her, but not sexually, just kissing and what not. And guy number 2 kinda likes her back and thats who she officially likes right now). Well we started texting a few weeks ago, but it was just small talk, and I just made her laugh, which Im very good at making her laugh, as well as were snapchat best friends. Also, out of the blue she said she was done with guy 1. And since we've been getting so close, a few weeks ago she out of the blue invited me to her softball game, so i went. After church yesterday she and her sister and her friend and I just drove around in my car doing random things and listening to music for a few hours. I kinda was snap chatting someone else, and I asked all them if i should as the girl i was snap chatting out (not the girl i like, i just wanted to see what her reaction would be) I really enjoyed it and when we had to go I dropped them off at her house and they all thanked me and what not. And she texted me and said that her dad thinks i like her, but i didn't want to tell her through text (lame) so i just kinda blew it off. Well, later that night, at our youth group, she was a little flirty, she kinda acted like she wanted to spend time with me, but guy number 1 showed up and she hung around him for a bit, but then he left. Then she came up to me and said that when I left her (because i didn't want to be around guy number 1) that someone came up to her and said "Your boyfriend is walking away" (i guess its that obvious i like her?) and i kinda laughed it off.Well towards the end of the night she texted me that she was sad, and that after church she needs to tell me something about her feelings. So , she tells me that for some reason that when i was snap chatting the other girl earlier and asking for relationship advice about her, that she got jealous. She doesn't know why. Well eventually after talking and me asking questions (I'm pretty sure she was trying to say she has feelings for me) she said that we are just friends and she doesn't want to mess that up. So I'm so confused... I don't want to stop being one of her best friends, but also, if there is something there, I want to explore it. What do I do? Sometimes she'll read my texts and won't reply. Like yesterday, she texted me first, and I replied but she read it and said "uh bye" cause i guess i annoyed her, but she plays with me like that sometimes. I just want to know what she's thinking. So any help about what her feelings are and how i should act now would be great. Remember, according to everyone she likes guy [URL=]#2[/URL] , but i feel as if she might like me. Help? Sometimes she will read my texts and not reply, which really throws me off because I've been getting a vibe that she likes me, yet sometimes she doesn't respond at all...But, i guess I have been trying to give a vibe I don't like her so that way I'm not obvious..Could she be acting distant cause she doesn't think i like her? What are her feelings? She told a friend of hers before she got jealous that she friend zoned me...but then she got jealous..So what is it? Like she won't respond sometimes, and I think that might be because she doesn't think I like her back. Idk. Help?