What is Love?

I have watched a lot of movies and I listen to a wide variety of music and it seems to be the strongest emotion and feeling there is known to man. The question still remains though what is love? Im sure I have felt it but have I truly? When I watch these movies and how they look at each other and how enrapturing it all becomes and feels it makes me think have I ever really felt love like they have? Is the love in films just in films or can it be truly found? What is a soul mate? Someone who is meant to be the person we spend the rest of our lives with and be like they are in the movies? There’s a lot of people in this world how could we as one person venture the whole world to know who is our soul mate? How do we even know we haven’t already met them? How do we not know whether we may have been with our soul mate at the wrong time?
I believe in love and I believe it is true and I think it is something everyone should believe in as it’s a positive feeling and can leave you speechless. I know I can love as I have a son and there are no words that can explain what he means to me. The simple words of “I love you Daddy” how that can melt my heart. This is Love but it’s not the love im trying to find. I believe everyone deserves to be happy and I also believe what is life without love.
Will I ever find true love? Will I find someone who loves me as much as I love them or will it be how it always seems to be either they love me more than I love them. Will I ever love someone the same way as they love me? Will they love all the stupid things that people find annoying about me and vice versa?
Do you search for love or does love find you? I don’t want to live my life searching for love because with all these sayings such as love is blind how will I find love? Im obviously not going to see it yet I have seen women before and think “Oh My Wow! Im in Love!”
Love is deep and can’t be interpreted. With all these sayings like “Its in the inside that counts” Really? Surely if you don’t find them attractive then it can’t be true love? You need to love someone as a whole. Maybe to some people that person may not be attractive but to you they could be amazing. Its like cars I’m a tuner guy so a Nissan GTR is amazing to me however, others may be a more of a Muscle kind of person and prefer a Mustang.
Am I setting my bar to high? Do I have to settle for “ok” ? Just love not true love? But what is just love? Someone you find attractive and can get on with but have their little niggles that you deteste but just deal with it because you don’t think you’ll find any better? Deal with it by going down the pub and seeing friends for a pick me up because the person you “love can’t do it for you?” Yet there are times where that loved one can make you happy and feel like your all.
Im 25 years old and ive had a rough life. Not as rough as others granted some who may read this may think ive had life easy but I have been bullied and ive been beaten up and ive picked myself up and kept going to be knocked down again and again and again. I got depressed and felt I was never going to be happy and that perhaps my life on this earth was not to be happy but to make others happy. Maybe subconsciously ive not allowed myself to love for the knowing theres that chance my heart can be broken and it could make me sad and feel depressed which is a place ive told myself I will never go back to since getting myself together and growing up and maturing.
Through everything I have been through I feel I have matured faster than others of my age and I always feel that no-one is on the same page as me. I don’t feel like ill ever find this “true love” maybe Im passed my chance. Im in the Royal Navy which is famous for having a girl in every port…What women is going to trust someone in the Navy to be honest and loyal? How am I meant to find someone in the Navy when the majority of the women are gay? Do I sacrifice my time in the Navy for love?
Asking for answers about love is like asking what is the meaning of life? I know we have one life and we should live it to the max and I made my decision to joing the Royal Navy to save money for a mortgage and to get nice cars and clothes and to get rid of the lil debt I currently have. I don’t regret my decision as I have done things which I would never have done if I hadn’t of joined. I could die tomorrow and feel I have achieved enough from my life already. However I don’t want to die I want to live a full life and I want to do as much as I can while I can and I would love to share that with someone that “True love”, is that to much to ask for?
Yeh I go out and yes I can drink and have a laugh but will I find my true love at the end of a bar? Do I have to be some sort of James Bond with confidence and just go for it or will I meet somone by just being me? I can be confident but not enough to go all in! Im a gambler but I like to assess my cards and think whether going all in is like going in with a bluff. Is she out of my league? Does she think shes out of my league? There is so much stuff that can be thought about and the more I go into it the less likely I am to approach.
Ive blabbed enough. Writing questions and getting no answers is only making it worst making me think more and more how unlikely it is im going to ever find my “true love”