I never really liked anyone in the 17 years of my life, mostly because I got extremely high standards. I have a long checklist that nobody really met until recently. Around late last year, I got to know his guy due to school activities. We never really got close even with his efforts (ex. starting conversations, fixing my computer, helping with things, etc...), mainly because I was mostly preoccupied with other aspects of my life. Eventually, his efforts lessened, and we went on with out lives.

Fast forward to this year, we somehow got to know each other and have gotten pretty close. I realized how he met my standards and completed my checklist, which was a good start. We had so much in common that once we started talking, people could seldom relate, much more join in. We are very flirty with each other, such as teasing, inside jokes, going on "Dates" that we refuse to call dates, demanding things and so on. Having said that, we don't talk or chat daily. We only chat when we have a specific reason to talk to each other (ex. a political event, a new crazy science idea or the latest film), but once the topic is discussed, we both drop the conversation and go on with our lives. People tease very openly (welcome to high school), but we both don't mind and go on with what we are doing. The whole situation started of as a game of outsmarting him to me, but I'm genuinely interested in him now. He does say he likes my friend, so I try to play cupid by arranging dates and giving advice, but he seldom acts upon them. I'm very affectionate and expressive by nature, so I assumed that he caught on with how I'm feeling, but he had not given any hints that he knows. In the end of the day, I have no idea what is going on in his head, and I have no idea where I stand with him.

By personality, I'm outgoing, extremely friendly, pretty loud, expressive, confident and usually in charge. He is the opposite of me, being quiet, reserved, logical, shy, extra sensitive and genuinely nice. He does know how to take in charge when needed, but he is the type of person to dismiss things with an "oh well"

Now for the questions

I, being who I am, am planning to tell him up front of how I feel and define our relationship. Is that a pretty decent idea or will it freak and overwhelm him as much as I expect it to? Should I take in charge of the situation or let things stay as the way it is? I'm leaving the country in less than a year, which is also a factor to consider... Also, does anyone have any idea what's going in his head, or where I stand to him?

Thank you for listening and the advice!
