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Thread: destined for bachelorhood-no girls

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    destined for bachelorhood-no girls

    i'll tell u background info for me 24 yr old asian guy, during college i asked like 3 girls out in 2 yrs but not all in the same period -all spread out. not much yea. no luck with either of em. the first girl i actually really liked, and i thought she liked me-glances ,looks, and was quite responsive when i talked to her and asked her out and got NO. couple of days later i got smiles and smirks from girls and even some guys who were in my class, small colllege.

    now i'm not in collge-workin this semester, all guys at work like maybe 3 girls out of 40 guys. i have tried online dating like this one dating site with a lot of girls most of em just plain out talk. one girl serbian girl told me she works at XXX mall told me to drop by one day and i might someday go out and meet up with her lets see what happens. she like 18 or 19. i thought POF would actually make finding a date or girl easier but -not really and not at all. its free so why not.

    i'm gettin the feelin that if i don;t make changes fast i be like a 30 or even older guy without a gf. i turn 25 in dec and tell u the truth i never had a gf. i had freind which was a girl recently but never attrated to her -overweight and big. we hung out a couple of times and then lost contact. she was my first freind who was a girl at 24. i see a lot of couples in going to the malls-that are around my age or younger and i really feel left out-being single and all. just havin a girl to go out with is nice. i really feel i'm destined for bachelorhood. i use to think that gettin a gf was easy -hey jsut a girl who;s a freind right but back then i wasn't even interested in girls or dating as i get older i am right now. and its harder than u think it is, i got a feelin that as i get older most of the girls would be married or have bfs well most of the good ones will be taken by then. how will i even find a gf or even date. how many girls in their 20's would even want a inexperienced -never had gf kind of bf in their lives anyways.

    i might go back to college to finish my program and from there i might ask 1 or 2 more girls out leets see what happens. i don;t go clubbin or bars-no friends to go with and i don;t really drink.
    Last edited by Cybog; 30-08-05 at 05:08 AM. Reason: Advertising

  2. #2
    Tone's Avatar
    Tone Guest
    I feel ya man... I have some of those same fears.. but hey be glad that at least you TRIED with those girls. It's much better than being the guy who posts "I never asked them out and now I wish I had.. I wonder what would have happened... did I miss out an opportunity on 'the one'?"'

    You found out those girls aren't for you. And if it was that easy to find true love, then it wouldn't be worth much would it? So just try to keep your head up... yeah it sucks being lonely, but what else can we do but make the best of it? Focus on other areas of your life and keep yourself open to any and all opportunities to meet someone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    I agree with the post above.
    Dont' pressure yourself to find a girl, HOWEVER don't be a social wreck either. Go out and meet some people. Some guys think that things will magically happen for them. It doesn't work that way. You have to take the risks if you want something. Remember, if you have nothing, you can't lose, you can only gain. Good Luck!
    -to be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.- e.e.cummings

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Definitely try not to get disheartened man.
    If you see my thread further down the page, "problems looking for love", thats me on a bad day. But you have to continue - what else can you do?
    I have had one girlfriend in my life, but if the smallest thing had changed the day i met her and i hadnt ended up with her as my girlfirend, then i would be exactly the same...never had anyone. (do you see what im saying??)

    The only pro-active steps i have found you can really take is to get out and experience life more. Forget about gettin a girlfriend for a while, well maybe put it to the back of your mind. Set out to meet people and look at anyone as a potential friend, female or male. I have found that meeting new people and making new friends is such a nice thing to do in life.

    From this you will get experienced being around and talking to women and you'l certainly increase your chances of meeting someone to love.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Yeah..I was wondering about the advertising as well.

    Anyways, I've had the same thoughts lately. I'm 20 and I have been with a few girls---but never in a full-time relationship. It's kind of strange seeing people two years younger than me that have had boyfriends/girlfriends for a few years. It kind of makes me seem out of place. With that in mind I'm not going to go looking for a girlfriend just so people won't wonder about me. I'm still looking for just the right person...just a matter of finding her, which has been rather though. I hear a lot of people talking about settling for someone they would not choose as their ideal girlfriend/boyfriend. I am not looking to do that...but i'm not getting any younger. Any thoughts?

  6. #6
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
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    Somewhere out there...
    Hey don't feel bad. Girls go thru it too. I have met my share of losers. But I'm hanging in there....enjoying life......if i meet someone I do....if I don't oh well. It takes time....and they say you kiss alot of frogs.....before you find your princess/prince.
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tone
    "I never asked them out and now I wish I had.. I wonder what would have happened... did I miss out an opportunity on 'the one'?"'
    Been there and done that. Sucked so bad that I'm never going to let that happen again. Depression sucks but I finally got out of it

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