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Thread: I met a girl, is she interested?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    I met a girl, is she interested?

    About a week ago I met a girl in the club. We danced a little, talked a little, I asked if she has a bf and she said no, I tried to kiss her but she didn't wanna and after 20-30 minutes she said she needs to go home (it was late already). As I was there alone (I was out with my friends before, and after they went home I went to one more club before going home), I said I am going to. So we walked maybe 10 minutes more, I offered her and her friends a ride home but she declined, and then we went our separate ways

    Two days after I called her, I asked her what is she doing, how is she, nothing special, then I asked when are we gonna meet again. Then she became like "I dunno, when I come back..." (we live in different cities, she comes back in 2 or 3 weeks). We are not far apart so I said I can come to hers or she can come to mine before, but again she got a little defensive, "I have stuff planned, I didn't think you'll call..." etc. And also she said she goes to skiing trip in one week (that should be today). So I asked her if she wants me to call her after she returns and she said ok. We talked for 3-4 min total, not too long

    And yesterday I sent her a message, something like "don't crash on skiing so we can meet after you return xD" to which she didn't reply. Ok, it isn't a message that necessarily requires reply, but still.

    So anyway, what do you think? I can't determine if she is shy and indecisive or just to polite to tell she isn't interested. My plan is to not contact her at all this week, not gonna bother her while she is skiing, and then call her in one week, next saturday or sunday, she should be back by then.
    I know its a pretty long time to not meet for two weeks after first contact, but she is away, and before that there were Christmas and Christmas Eve, so basically we had only two days at the beginning of this week we could meet, so I guess it's ok... But then again, why didn't she reply to my message, if she wanted to stay in touch she could have said something short. But if she wasn't interested, why did she even give me her number?

    All in all, I kinda like her, she seems nice, but I can't say if she is shy or to polite to say no, or maybe wants me to chase her... anyway, what do you think? I won't let go just like that, if nothing I will call her next week, but I'd like to hear your opinion or advices.

    This is all assuming she won't contact me this week, if she does, well it depends what she says.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    I counted 7 things that indicate she doesn't have any real interest and only one that shows possibility (giving her number). Girls give out their number for an ego boost because someone showed an interest in them bub, and nothing more. It doesn't mean they are going to follow through. Don't be an idiot and plan to call her in a week. She's been blowing you off, why is that going over your head? are you that clueless?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I counted only 4 things that indicate she doesn't have interest

    But only this not replying to my message is big indicator IMO. Still, why did she say I can call her after she returns, she could have said better not or something like that

    Thanx for the reply, but I'm still gonna call her most likely, I got nothing to lose and I don't think I seem desperate or pathetic or bad in any way if I call a girl 2 times in 2 weeks + 1 SMS. If it doesn't work out then, I'll let it go

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    Girls don't like to be confrontational, so they say things like that to get you off their back...then they ignore you, be hasty or give you the runaround so you will get the hint.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The reality is, if a girl was really into you she would be texting you a number of times a day to see what you are up to, because SHE WANTS TO. oh well you will learn someday.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by smackie9 View Post
    The reality is, if a girl was really into you she would be texting you a number of times a day to see what you are up to, because SHE WANTS TO.
    Actually I think not a lot of girls would do that. I think most of them, if they liked me, would give me just a little hints and not do to much, so they don't scare me off, so they don't seem desperate and because they would want me to chase them. While I agree this is a little to much ignoring, still I woudn't say my chances are 0%

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    OK so has doing things this way have been very successful for you???

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Which way? I don't really understand what are you trying to prove. That if I call her I won't be successful and nothing will happen? That's possible, maybe even probable, but if I don't call her, than surely nothing will happen

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