I've known this girl for about a year and a half now but about 8 months ago I realised how much I liked her and asked her on a date, she said yes and we went on quite a lot of dates for a month following that, slowly getting more intimate but then suddenly she told me she wasn't ready for a relationship, that it wasn't anything to do with me but because of her past wasn't in "that place". Anyway we continued to hang out as friends a lot, and my feelings for her hid for a while but never really went away, we've spoken about it a few times but the last time we did it seems her feelings haven't changed. Sometimes I want it to work out so much it hurts, as we get along so well and can spend hours together without getting bored, but she's also a great friend and I don't want to lose that either. We're also going on a couple of holidays away just the two of us in the next few months, still as friends of course but I just really don't know what to do about my feelings, and I don't know if the fact she's comfortable to be travelling with me means anything? The reason for the holidays aren't just for the sake of doing stuff together, one is somewhere she always wanted to visit and the other is to meet some work colleagues abroad. We also have spent loads of time together over Christmas, which I guess is why my feelings for her are so strong right now. Should I just keep going as friends and hope the feelings go away? I don't know what to do lol. Sorry for the wall of text. All advice welcome