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Thread: feeling disrespected

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    feeling disrespected

    ok 2 months ago i went to use my bf notebook to edit some photos and on the ap it has last photo edited and it was a picture of my bf good friends breasts, i dont know why he was editing but apparently the reason he took the photo was basically an ego challenge cause she said she would never get her tits out. if it was so inocent i dont know why he attempted to hide the photo from me cause i then discovered it had been filed under telstra c**p on his computer and not sure what breasts have to do with a phone company, i remember one night finishing work and coming home and they were both sitting in the kitchen and he said to me how she wouldnt get her tits out for a photo because she apparently liked and repected me, obviously this was one of the times the photographing took place, he told me it happened twice, not sure why it was happened a second time. anyway i got over it mainly because the 'jug shot' really wasnt a threat as ive seen better gravity defying udders on a cow. so i forgave the incident, on christmas eve i was on the notebook again and went to close an internet page he had left open, and it was of a porn site, where he had created his own profile 6 months earlier and uploaded photos of himself having sex with his ex girlfriends, and even made his profile picture of an ex sucking his weiner, when i questioned his reason it was supposedly to get back at his exs so that doesnt explain his solo weiner shopts he had on there and when i said why did he created the profile while in a relationship with me, he said he didnt think he was with me when he did it which doesnt explain why the date when then the profile was created according to the site, and his explanation for being on the site at the time was to check how many hits it had received. i left him cause i was over it all, do you think i overeacted?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    As with any situation, I often like to preface my answers to say that we can't REALLY judge without being closer to the situation....

    But, no, my gut says you did not overreact in the slightest. None of that is in the least bit okay on his part, and it seems likely his supposed "excuses" are just lies anyway.

    Heck, let's pretend for a minute he actually did create the profile on that site back before you two were together.... why would he still log on to the site now and yet still leave it up?

    Having boob pics of some girl who is supposedly just his friend? That, I cannot see how that is okay by any stretch of the imagination given that he is (or was at the time, I guess) in a relationship with you. Unless he's a doctor, I see no innocent reason a guy would want to see some other girl's breasts when he's in a relationship. I find it highly doubtful this fella you are describing is a doctor. I am sure you are much better off without a guy like that. You should have a guy who will treat you with the respect you deserve.

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