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Thread: Her Family and friends love me except one.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Her Family and friends love me except one.

    So my issue stems from one person. My soon to be wife's friends and family all love me. However, she has one friend her best friend. This woman and I do not get along and havent. She is a very very abrupt and invasive person that speaks her mind no matter what and is very out going. I had an incident when i proposed to my fiancee and her friend grabbed me by my throat and threatened me. Since Tham things have mellowed out and her friend moved away for a year for work. My problem is this. My fiancee wants us to try to be friends again and wants her at our wedding. After a few glimpses at this woman's selfishness and rage I don't want to be around her at all as she has made things awkward and bad mouthed me to her family because we as a couple decided to give up alcohol and apparently it was me twisting my fiancee's arm. My question is am I wrong to not want her at our wedding? Am I wrong for not wantin to be her friend? I was extremely friendly and always went with the flow and had fun. It was when I asked my her to marry me her friend snapped. And said if I hurt her she will kill me and dug her nails into my throat. Maybe I'm over reacting but I don't feel I should have to experience anxiety at my own wedding because I know her loud obnoxious self will be there. Please I will be open minded I just want to know how to approach this subject with my fiancee and how we should proceed.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Does her friend use drugs, or has some bi polar disease? ~ she is lucky you didn't press charges for assault against her for that incident & should act better around you for the sake of her GF.

    If she is unstable & unpredictable I wouldn't want her at the most important event in my life either, your fiancee should understand why & not try to push the issue, she may need to choose you or that friend at some point, hope she makes the right choice. Tell your fiancee you are not interested in being friends with that girl, & she should know why and respect your decision.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Yes her friend has used a lot of ecstacy and still does from time to time other than that just a lot of alcohol. Well I read your post and spoke with my fiancee and she was more receptive than expected. She said she doesn't expect me to be friends with her and is OK if I am never friends as far as the wedding she said well if we make it family only it will save money and no one will feel excluded. So it looks like it turned out ok. She was just hoping at some time in the future we could be in the same room. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being controlling by asking to have her tell her friend since kids she can't come to our wedding. Turns out it isn't that big of a deal. Which now makes me even happier I'm marrying her. She is level headed and understanding too lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Great news & happy she listened to your concerns & respected them.

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