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Thread: It's been months now. I want to get over this girl who doesn't care about me.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    It's been months now. I want to get over this girl who doesn't care about me.

    I want to get over this girl who doesn't care about me. It's been months now.

    I was able to invite this girl to hang out with my friends at the mall And at the same time, I got to meet her for the first time. Oh, and I already told this girl beforehand that I have a crush on her through messages and I told her that I want to know her and befriend her.

    Now, let's start on the day of confession.

    Anyway, I told this girl that I like her and asked her if she can be my girlfriend at the end of the day. She said that she doesn't know because it was the first time she was confessed to. And I accidentally said if she heard me and at the same time she said "maybe" and I said never mind. But after that, she just scowled at me and when I was about to clear it up again instantly, she already turned around and after that couldn't look at me for the last few hours with me and my friends and everything was awkward.

    While we were walking throughout the mall, I asked her one time if she heard what I said. She just shook her head saying "No." and I said, "I see... Well, it was really loud at the arcade hahaha" But again, she scowled at me of course...

    When we were outside of the mall, I asked her if it's okay for me to escort her to the nearest bus (because she lives fairly far away) She said she was okay... Just, "It's okay" So I just trusted her that she can make out on her own even though she told me that she isn't used to traveling. But of course, I got worried and went back to see how she's doing. I saw that she was a bit lost. So, when she came back and I was in front of her, I told her again that I'm going to escort her. But again, she said that "I'm okay." I was following next to her without her stopping to look at least look at me. So, In the end, I can't talk to her properly while she was walking to find the nearest bus. And in the end, even after all my attempts in just trying to tell her it could be dangerous, (All of my sentences failed) and after telling her if she was really okay, again, she repeated the same sentence. So I just let her off. (I know she's indirectly trying to say she doesn't like me but still it's just... ughh...)

    Then the next day, I asked her if she got home safely because I was worried after all. She replied later at night and told me "Nah~ It's fine xD I tried to ride a train but I still got lost so I took a taxi instead." (Clearly, she's trying to guilt trip me) So, I told her that I owed her and stuff and that I'll show her the nearest bus on her next trip back. But after that of course, she doesn't reply any longer.

    Then a few days later... She just... posted a photo of herself on fb totally showing her underwear in a very exposing way which actually never happened before. (she's a famous cosplayer) and of course, being an overly sensitive person that I am, I accidentally messaged her for her to delete it and all that trying to be as sensitive as I can to her, (Of course, she doesn't reply) and I just... kept spilling everything out of worry and all that and I ended up telling her that I did hear what she said and I apologized for even asking her to delete her photo even reasoning out and all that of why I even told her what I said on that day.

    No reply of course. But I still kept messaging her asking her that I just want to clear things up and all that and I was so sorry and everything that happened. I foolishly kept sending her messages for weeks out of worry for her and apologies. I even told her one time how it hurts if I can't hear from her any longer and that It's all okay if everything was awkward and all that.

    Then a few weeks later, I got to see her again in a convention. My friends were able to strike up a conversation with her and I did as well and took photos and stuff.

    Finally, I tried persuading her just for us to talk somewhere outside and that I just want to clear things up. Again, she just said "It's okay" and all that even joking about what I said to her through messages. But I just really felt something was wrong. (I was aware she doesn't like me of course but what the hell. I still just want to clear things up. It just hurts if I can't clear everything up)

    I couldn't make a proper conversation with her. I really needed her to just talk with me for a few minutes to clear everything up but she just kept saying it was all "okay"

    So, I left her for a second, came back to my friends and they jokingly said, "IF EVERYTHING'S FINE, EVERYTHING'S FINE!" So, I came back to her one last time. I told her, "I'm sorry for being like this... I just felt that... Everything wasn't okay y'know... But... Everything's okay right? (I'm an idiot) Everything's really okay right?" Again, she just said everything's okay. "If so... Then, I won't bother you any longer." Then we did a high-five, I waved back, she didn't and I just walked away.

    Then a few days later, I messaged her again out of worry because of how most of her bikini photos are being taken advantage of (Which is true) and I just told her to be careful. She just seen that but didn't really reply to me at all and again, of course, that was just painful. Lol :v So, I finally told her that if she doesn't wanna talk to me again or doesn't like me, she should've just said so because I did say before I was fine with it (I told her this as well during my weeks of over thinking and apologies) and I promised her I won't talk to her again. Then 2 days later, of course, I messaged her one last lenghty message about everything I wanted to tell her on the last time. Why I kept messaging her before like that and how I wasn't really desperate for a girlfriend and all that (A friend of mine told me to confess to her... I was an idiot for letting my emotions take over and doing it in the end) and I ended up telling her how I felt about her again. Still, no reply.

    I ended up waiting for just one day and one night and I told her that it's all okay and stuff that she doesn't talk to me any longer and how I understood it. So, there... The end of my tragic story.

    Anyway, back to the question "How can I get over this girl?" I really wanna get over her somehow. She just keeps popping up in my mind even though I know I don't have feelings for her any longer. Life's unfair~ There she is, living happily without worry which I'm fine with it and I'm just here sometimes thinking about a girl who didn't care about me. I think I'm scarred for life. (Nah, I'm not one of those people who gave up hope thinking of cutting themselves) But anyway, there. That's my tragic story of my possibly, eternal psychological trauma.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Sadlife, you start by recognising that what you had for this girl is nothing more than infatuation. You didn't know her long enough and well enough to love her. Lucky for you, infatuation fades quickly if you don't feed it.

    That being said, your behaviour would scare off many a girl. Especially a famous cosplayer! You thinking you have the right to advise her what she should and shouldn't put on the internet is very patronising. She's not 15 and you're not her father!!! If she's a well known cosplayer, she knows all too well the positive and negative outcomes which come from participating in this hobby.

    You need to show a girl that you trust her to make decisions which are right for herself. If you don't like the decisions a girl makes, then find someone who's decisions you do agree with. Your over-sensitivity is something you may have to fix if you want a girlfriend.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

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