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Thread: Confused...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    OK my Ex and I became friends after our break up, we are both 18 in highschool( we dated for 3 and a half months). We broke up becasue we would be busy with school/school work and work that he thought he wouldnt have time for a relationship and i thougth that yea thats true becasue I work too and we wouldnt hang out much. Well in school he asked me to hang out with him. We hung out and we started kissing(he kissed me first) and stuff(at his house) and he told me that he missed me, and I missed him too. Well we decided to get back together(after 2 and a half weeks being broken up) and he said "I realized I made a mistake to dump you", then everything was fine we were acting normal as we were together saying "I love you" and kissing. Then I see him on Tuesday in school (monday was a vaca. day) and he is ignoring me, at this point I thought we were still together. He continues to be kinda friendly but still ignore me. I wrote him a couple notes in class and he doesnt read them right away. Then after class ended I walked with him (we were both going the same way) and he wasnt even walking with me and I asked "Are we still together" and he said "I dont know, just go to class". Then a half hour later I see him in the hall and i ask "Whats going on are we together" and he said "I dont know what I want right now" and then I said "well I want to know I dont wanna be hanging(I said it friendly) he said " I dont know what I want right now" and I said "Then whats going on" and he said "Were friends now ok, go back to class". Then after he wasnt talking to me much, but in our last class he was talking to be being normal. Sometimes he gets in bad moods. Anyways the that happened on Tuesday, now for the past 3 days....well the next day( Wednesday) he didnt talk to me until the last half hour of class. After Wednesday he has been flirty with me and talking to me. I dont get it, is he messing with me or maybe he is confused?
    Last edited by BlueEyedGrl; 10-09-05 at 09:35 PM.

  2. #2
    Ellynn's Avatar
    Ellynn is offline Love Gurus
    "Hot Love Pancake(s)"
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Somewhere out there...
    Ok this guys sounds like he is jerking you around and only wants to be with you when its convienient for him. So basically ask him...."are we together or not?" Also tell him that if he wants to be your bf....to start acting like one and to stop his moody b.s. with you.

    If he doesn't....then its not worth wasting time on a guy who is uncertain about what he wants...
    Appreciate the good times and learn from the bad times....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Yea well I asked him yesterday on the phone and he said " we are friends for now". BUt he has been acting not so much of a friend, he gives me a Bad Mood sometimes and then later he flirts with me and is my friend. Also he blew me off yesterday, we had plans to hang out( He made the plans) and he didnt even tell me that hes "Busy" and he meniotned to my friend in a conversation that "Hes busy with family stuff" and my friend didnt even say anything about what His(my Ex's) plans were. People are telling me that I shouldnt be friends with him anymore cause, He dumped me in a immature way and 2. he treats me like dirt. I think Im starting to see that he is being a jerk but I feel bad that he did this to me.
    Last edited by BlueEyedGrl; 12-09-05 at 05:27 AM.

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