She used to crush on me like almost a year ago and told my friend she thinks i'm cute etc... anyhow i wasn't sure if i was interested so i stayed away and soon after got into something with another girl, we broke up like 6 months ago though... i'm really desperate for a girlfriend because when i'm not in college i feel extremely lonely, all i do is work, hit the gym and drink... anyhow i randomly told my friend that i want to ask this girl out and he told her and she doesn't believe him, and then i asked her for her number.... and it's complicated for me because she's not what i expected as a girlfriend but i could like her i don't know, i guess my problem is i don't think her face is really attractive but then again i don't think she's ugly either and i know that's shallow but i feel like physical attraction is important as way as mental, i think i might click with her mentally, not sure though and i don't want to hit on her anymore unless i'm sure.... but i'm not sure so idk what to do!