I work in a bar and about 2 months ago one of the guys who's in a band with my supervisor starts chatting to me. He's been in tonnes of times before that and we havent spoke - i had thought he was just a bit up himself but it turns out he's really down to earth and we get on really well.

He added me on facebook soon after and we have been chatting pretty regularly. He has a girlfriend who lives in America (we're in the UK), who he met while he was on tour.

He messages me first thing and last thing at night, often saying that hes hungover and he needs me to save him. He texts me late when he's drunk saying he wants to see me and when we've been out together he's been super flirty, staring at me accross the table while i'm chatting to his friends, pressing his leg against me under the table. He also has mentioned how he thinks his relationship will be over in the next 6 months.

I find it all very confusing ! When i have confronted him about being confusing he denies everything and says thats just how he acts. Though I was told today from a coworker than he had been saying he was trying to pull me. (however my place of work/the crowd in that area in general are quite gossipy).

He went to America today, for four weeks & I sort of said before he left that it would be easier for me to revert back to aquaintances. I'm wondering how to approach things when he returns. We hang in very similar circles & I'll definitely see him. Should I try and be friends with him? I was hoping to do some music with him in the summer but worried my soft heart and his confusing ways just makes that a stupid option.

thanks x