Hi I'm Neil. I teach a dating philosophy known as the Direct Approach.

The Direct approach means being totally real, honest and authentic in your dealings with the opposite sex and being honest about your intentions right from the beginning. When you're Direct, you don't beat around the bush - you let women know you find them attractive right from the start and you're 100% honest and upfront about what you want from them. You don't play games, you don't manipulate them, you don't use tactics or techniques. A guy who is Direct is NOT a Pick up Artist either.

Whatever type of relationship you're looking for, you are totally upfront and honest about it, whether you're looking for a monogamous girlfriend, non-monogamous/open relationship, casual sex, etc and whether it's short-term, mid-term or long-term. That way nobody gets mislead and there are no misunderstandings about what you're looking for.

Direct is also based on a foundation of honesty, trust, respect and mutual enjoyment in all your relationships with women.

By getting to the point and not beating round the bush, it a very effective for hooking up with women romantically/sexually. You never really get put in the 'friend zone'.

If you want mature and enjoyable relationships and hook-ups with women, Direct is the way. Being indirect and playing games doesn't cut it.

I'd love to hear women's feedback on the Direct Approach too.