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Thread: 5 Ways to Spot the Wrong Guy (Even If He Looks Like the Right One!)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    5 Ways to Spot the Wrong Guy (Even If He Looks Like the Right One!)

    1. Develop Your Intuition: We are all comfortable following our hearts, but this can lead us into trouble. We have mental pictures about how our man should look and act. If we meet a man who reflects our mental pictures, then we automatically think they are “right” for us. If we have an uncomfortable feeling in our gut about someone who looks and acts perfect, then we need to pay attention. Our intuition is speaking to us about this individual and we need to honor it.

    2. Pay Attention to His Behavior: As women, we love to hear men compliment our looks and achievements, but if his behavior is inconsistent then we need to reconsider our choice. If he says all the right things — yet cancels several dates at the last minute because he has something else to do, we need to move on. We also need to not make excuses for his behavior.

    3. Avoids Uncomfortable Conversations: If he avoids conversations about our concerns in a relationship, such as money, commitment, or sex, then we need to check in with our intuition.

    4. Self-Centered: This is an easy way to spot Mr. Wrong. If we are at a gathering and we meet a man who looks perfect, but is talking about himself — then cuts us off when we try to interject a comment — he may not be someone with whom we want to get involved. Maybe we go on one date to confirm this!

    5. Mama’s Boy (or the Immature Guy): This is the most difficult to spot because we often find it charming if a man is devoted to his mother. “If he is that considerate to his mother, then that’s how he’ll treat me,” we think. In some cases, that is not how he will treat us. His mother will come first and her approval is of primary importance, especially the approval of the woman in his life. And, in the end, we will also try to please her.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    "4. Self-Centered: This is an easy way to spot Mr. Wrong. If we are at a gathering and we meet a man who looks perfect, but is talking about himself — then cuts us off when we try to interject a comment — he may not be someone with whom we want to get involved. Maybe we go on one date to confirm this!"

    I don't know, but from my experience: a lot of men talk about themselves to impress women. It does not always mean ego, sometimes just insecurity or maybe pride. But it's meant like "look how valuable I want to be for you". But of course it depends...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I like number 3 in your list. Avoids any personal questions as well, about his life and his past.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Wow that is awesome! Cut and paste it to your fridge awesome....thanks for posting!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Awesome! Nothing here about making furniture out of the bones of his victims or showing up for a date covered in blood but insisting it is jelly from his PB&J sandwhich from lunch! I think I'm good to go! :-P

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