I really liked a girl in my Church and I spent a lot of time with her in the Church and in a group of people. I spent a lot of energy for her. I was really close to her and I was willing to just be with her and no one else... In last two years I did not muck around and I was really thinking about her and no one else. After a lot of mishaps and struggles from her side, finally I found out the right time to ask her out! I did, I asked her out and told her we can date each other 3 or 4 times and then make your decision! After three dates which completely was okay! She told me that I am really encouraging to her and she want me to continue our friendship! I did the my best on dates. She had a lot of imperfection that could push away any boy but I was not looking for her perfections - I wanted her as she was with her imperfection. As I heard she was frustrated to make connection with me! But I always was friendly and warm with her and instead I received such frosty reaction, I am not going to blame her for reactions because that is her character which push any man away. I am not going to offer her any friendship because I am in a different stage! I have feelings and emotions about her and until the day that they put me in a tomb I wont be able to change my feelings and see her in a different way (as a friend) Maybe she can her change her mind but I cant change my heart! The problem here is that girls are looking for a perfect man but they don't realise that there is not perfection in men! I am a man, every man has his own points of weakness and struggles and the same for women. I feel really bad, you know why? I see her 3 times a week in the church and she lives next to me. I cant leave my Church family because I feel love with them! On the other hand I see her in the Church she act normal she comes to me sometimes and says hello but I feel down and it hurts me a lot, It Is like I am trapped and have no way to escape. I wish I could guard my heart.