Hello friends. When I was with my ex GF she had an abnormal PAP. Doc said she had HPV and abnormal cell growth. She had surgery done, and was fine…no harm, no foul. We ended up splitting up later for unrelated reasons. That was 2 years ago. I don't have any symptoms, and don't really recall having any. I'm in my 20s and dating another woman. We had sex once, but the thought never even occurred to me at the time. Should I mention it? I know there is a school of thought that believes it's just a thing everyone gets eventually, like the common cold of sex, and there is no point in mentioning it since statistically at our age, she has had it too. Realistically, I'm sure I had it while we were dating, but being 2 years ago, and having no way to test for it in males, is it worth telling my new partner? Kinda stressing...