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Thread: Another guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2015

    engaged but another guy keeps contacting me

    First of all, I'm a 22 years old girl, and I live in west Europe, but I'm from an Asian country.

    About 3 years ago I met this guy on Instagram who lives in the country where I am from. We started talking and we got in a long distance relationship. We liked and loved eachother more and more by time. But I hadn't met him yet because of my family, who didnt want me to marry a guy who lives 4000 miles away from me. Together we tried really hard to see eachother and we got through a really hard time because of this. So after 2 years my parents finally accepted and I went to my home country to see him. I stayed there for 5 weeks. When we finally saw eachother we even liked eachother more than before. So we got engaged there.

    A few months before I went there, I had a really hard time, I was always sad and always felt f*cked up and down. Because of this I really wasn't aware of what I was doing sometimes, and we almost broke up with my boyfriend. So in that time I opened a new Instagram (I closed the old one long time ago) and some guy, who also lives in the same city where I am from and my boyfriend lives, started talking to me on there, I told him the first time we chatted that I had a boyfriend, so that he wouldn't attempt on anything. He understood and said nothing weird or anything, so we continued talking, he told me about his life and asked me questions too. He was a really nice guy and I kept talking about my boyfriend to make him aware. He didnt seem to care about this and he kept messageging me and talking to me. And I was so stupid to keep talking to him, I don't know why, maybe because he was so nice to me?, anyways, we started talking so much that I gave him my phone number, that was another stupid thing of me, we kept on talking and we even skyped together, I had the feeling that he was falling for me. But everytime we got on skype he asked me to get naked and show him my body, at first I said no, after 3 or 4 times of skyping, I agreed and showed him everything, he also showed me his dick, I don't know why I did it, but I think it was because I trusted him and I thought he really liked me... I felt really bad after doing this because I had a boyfriend and I knew he would never do something like that to me.. but I kept doing it, I showed him my body 4 or 5 times and I even send him nude pics... so after 3 weeks of this, 3 weeks before going to see my boyfriend, I bought my tickets and was happy as ever to finally see my boyfriend! So I stopped making contact with this guy, and because of him I almost broke up with my boyfriend, so we both decided we could better not skype together anymore and I said to him that I couldn't talk to him anymore because of my boyfriend who I was going to marry, I also told him that I was going to marry my boyfriend and after that we didnt talk so much anymore, we only chatted as friends.. he asked me if we could meet eachother if I got to my homecountry, and I said that I couldnt because I would get engaged and couldnt do that to my fiance.. but he kept asking and I kept on saying no to him, he even told me that he really loved me and that he really wanted to see mee, even if it was for 5 minutes.. He also stopped asking for pictures of my body and stuff, he only asked for pictures of my face, he kept on saying that he misses me and the he really really loved me. I felt really bad for him but I kept on saying no to him.. So when I got to there he texted me that he wanted to see me, he said that even if it was for a minute, he wanted to see me, I kept saying no to him and I told him I couldnt do that because I was engaged. He kept on asking and asking, but I didnt want to, so when I was there and got engaged, he stopped contacting me, and we didnt talk for 3 weeks. After I got back home to Europe, he send me messages again, he asked why I couldnt meet him and I told him why.. so we started talking normally again, like 2 friends... and he still is sending me messages.
    So today he told me that he had a girlfriend, I didnt believe this at first because 2 days before he said that he still wants me, but he kept on and I started believing him, I was really happy because I thought he'd finally let go of me, I sent him a message and congratulated him, he then started a conversation with me, we kept on talking and talking (like 2 normal friends) until 2 AM, and I started to think that he really didnt have a girlfriend but was trying to make me jealous, which didnt work... So in the end he called me and we talked for a half hour, I knew he was lying about the girlfriend thing and he told me that he was lying...

    I have the feeling that this guy really loves me, he could have any other girl but wants me, I dont know why tho... and I actually trust him because he didnt tell anyone about what I did, and he could easily do that..

    My problem is, what should I do? Should I block him and stop talking to him? I really dont want to hurt anyones feeling and dont know what to do, I really love my fiance A LOT and I dont want to talk to another guy behind his back.. I know I am stupid and what I did was also really stupid, but I was just in a bad time and hopeless.. no excuse tho.. please dont judge me, I just need advice....

    Btw: this guy is 3 years younger than me and my boyfriend is 3 years older than me.
    Last edited by nananono93; 14-06-15 at 04:56 PM. Reason: forgot something

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Cut off any form of communication with him ,that is if you really love your fiancé that much. So just cut him off and don't ever talk to him , another thing is ,clear things up with your bf. Which includes telling him everything after you've cutten him off.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Do you have a disability? I ask because you seem to actually know what is stupid but you go ahead and do it anyway. WTF?
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

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