So I met this chinese girl through a chinese online dating site where people there are searching for more serious relationships (usually long term +) than your typical etc. I met her at a coffee shop and we chatted for about 1.5 hours.
In terms of her background she's been in US for 9 years or so and has great education background and a great job similar to mine as well. Her family background is also very good as well which is not relevant to me but it is nice to know.

Here's the current situation:
After we chatted I messaged her and I said I was interested in knowing more about her and I first asked her to go out again over the weekend. However, she said she is going on vacation so she asked if we can go for lunch which then turned to dinner but we had to postpone for next week because of her work. Anyway, what strategy I should use?

I feel because she is probably more traditional i shouldn't try go for anything too quickly but I do want to show some advancement on my part. ALSO, since she has a decent job and is busy herself would every date accepted means that much more in that she's interested not just playing around (since she doesn't have much time in the first place)? If so, what approach should i take?

Also, i think she's at a age where she's not trying to play around so her accepting further dates should be a + right?
