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Thread: I think, he's toying with me, help!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    I think, he's toying with me, help!

    Hello, my name is Angela. This is going to be a long story, but I hope you can read all of it carefully and help me. For the past month I have been having a crush on this specific guy, in fact he made me experience new things. Unfortunately, distance is a problem, but skype/phone calls, etc. is helping with all of those. We spent nights talking on Skype and watching movies, opening up to each other, and so on.
    Problem is, he is still not completely over his ex girlfriend and he doesn't want to get in a new relationship. Well, that's okay with me, I can wait. But I really cannot understand what I am doing wrong, sometimes he barely replies to me, he may upload something and tag other girls etc, but it's never me (yes I know this sounds silly ) The other day he promised to watch a movie and he came back pretty late. By the way, I did confess to him but as expected I didn't get any special reply. But the worst part is, he says he's attracted towards me, he can get all sexual with me (it's not really sexting, but let's just call it that) but not get with me. What is this?! The other day he asked me to get over him, and I told him I cannot when he's suddenly all sweet etc etc. And he said something of the type ''you get over me but I'll continue doing what I do'', why is he taking me so lightly??! I really feel used, but it's the only way that is making me feel somehow important to him, and I cannot say no. If I say no, I am afraid he's going to lose complete interest in me. Not to mention that, his ex was my friend for some time, like we weren't close but we had fun together. They didn't break up because they wanted to, but they had to. So because I knew that she is his happiness I just shipped them so bad, I still do if it guarantees his happiness (and this is SO not like me cause I am the jealous type and I just don't send my crushes back to their exes). Anyway, she somehow got over protected and we were about to have this argument, I am still waiting for a reply and this happened like a week ago, I don't want to lose a friend too.

    And when I am like, upset he barely even bothers, he ALWAYS takes me so lightly. I also sent him a letter and I am starting to regret it. I poured my heart out for him, I don't want to be a sex toy or whatever, I think he is taking advantage of the way I feel for him, but when I told him he was like ''aren't you enjoying it? Therefore it's not using you''. Of COURSE I'll enjoy it, you're my ****ing crush, but it also hurts afterwards cause I know you'll never be with me and I am just wasting my time, giving myself to you for no reason. It's all so frustrating and I don't know what to do anymore.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Stop talking to him altogether so that you can stop your addiction to him and the little crumbs of attention that he gives you that you mistakenly get all a tither over.

    He doesn't care about you and you are degrading yourself by trying to keep yourself in his life in whatever little capacity he is willing to give you.

    Find a guy where you live and keep yourself off the phone/computer or any other means you use to keep yourself in his life. He's just an ass that strings you along. You deserve better then that.
    “The willingness to accept responsibility for one’s own life is the source from which self-respect springs.” ~Joan Didion

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    Unfortunately, I have to side with Wakeup. ....Wait... again, I have to point out that I am not saying it is unfortunate that I agree with Wakeup. LOL! I almost always agree with Wakeup. I am saying that, unfortunately, I do not have any more positive an outlook on this particular case.

    Trust me, I understand how you feel. I think we all can. I can certainly understand wanting a connection with somebody who doesn't seem to want the same connection. I can even understand hanging in there when part of you knows you really shouldn't.... just hanging on tight to any nugget of proof you can over-analyze in your own mind to convince yourself it is worth hanging in there to keep trying.

    The thing is, you gave it your best shot and he wasn't interested. That very well could be just because he is not over his ex. It may have nothing to do with you. Maybe in a different world, in a different scenario, he'd have jumped at the chance to be with you. Who knows? But, whatever the reason may be, right now he is not interested.

    If you stick with him, even just as a friend, you aren't going to get over your crush on him and you are just going to be wasting your time on something that may never happen. Move on. Remove all contact with him. You don't have to be rude or confrontational about it, since he didn't necessarily do anything wrong. Frankly, I do think he could have been a little more sensitive about it when he realized how you felt about him and that he didn't share those feelings, but at the very least he isn't stringing you along. He was honest about how he felt.

    So, I wouldn't necessarily say you be rude to him about it, or create a fight. Just remove all contact. If he happens to ask you why, just say honestly that it is best for you just to move on. You never know. In time, maybe fate could find him single, over his ex, and ready to date. Maybe then he'll suddenly realize he wants to go out with you. The thing is, maybe that will never happen. Don't waste your time waiting around for something that may never happen. You may miss out on your Mr. Right because you are holding yourself back for somebody who won't even give you a chance. You deserve better than that.

    Good luck to you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    He's not the one for you at all. You're right- he does take you "lightly" because he has no intentions of taking things further with you. Your flirtation is a welcome distraction for him, and you offer more than that. You are on completely different pages on what you are looking for, but it's you that will get hurt in the end. It's time to find someone that wants the same things as you do

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