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Thread: How Much Space?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    How Much Space?

    I have been seeing a guy for 5 months now. Things were starting to get serious - texting/talking all day, pet names, seeing each other a few times per week, etc. But then he had to start working more hours at work and he's in the middle of a custody battle for his son who he only gets to see on weekends. I know he can't text or talk while at work and weekends he spends with his son, so if I'm lucky I might get to see him one night a week and maybe a few texts per day. Right now it's been over a week since I've seen him and we haven't talked since Friday.

    I know he has a lot going on and he's stressed (he is definitely not lying about either situation). He tells me he cares about me but all he can focus on is getting his son back. Is this really just a difference in how guys and girls are? I see that he still posts on Facebook but then he might go days without texting or calling me. I have been trying to give him his space, but I'm wondering if I'm being foolish. Is he using this stuff as an excuse or do guys and girls really deal with stress that differently?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    I want to start by pointing out that texting and calling all day isn't the serious phase - it's the early infatuation stage. Once the serious stage sets in, all that "can't stop thinking about you" dies off a bit and it all becomes a lot more low key - but also solid.

    I can't tell you if his pulling away is truly due to him being so busy - or if this is his 'normal' once the infatuation dies down. I guess all you can do is talk with him about it in a non-pushy way and see what comes of it.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    I am in the same situation with 5 months dating a guy now. he barely communicates but when we are together its like heaven on earth. He recently had problems about his future and work and all of a sudden all the initial contact is me. is this normal of i should just let him go? he can go to 12 days without communicating.

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