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Thread: Why do girls behave like this with me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Why do girls behave like this with me?


    How would a normal girl who knows me, perceive me? I am a party kid, going to night clubs in the weekends, and bars every week days, I flirt around, I have a lot of female friends, I have a bad reputation in the college for being brash.. but on the flip side, when I start liking a girl, I end up being "too sweet" and start doing "too much.. too soon". Like buying random presents, giving flowers, paying for dinners, movies, getting chocolates, always being there, and just being too available and too nice. I always meet a girl like that, I do all this, she friendzones me and starts seeing me as her "best friend", ofcourse I get bored, and I go on to the next and this happens all over again. Well, I am not short of female company, I can always hit it off in the first meeting, I feel I am fine looking, rich, smart, and talk well, but then I always end up being the "best friend" and some time later, "he was a jerk".. See, if I stop contacting the girl who I was incredibly nice too after she tells me I am the best person in her life but she cannot date me, how is it my fault, and how am I being a jerk? I have to move on, right? What is a girl's opinion on my situation? Like recently, this girl I met, I did everything for her, even paying her rent for a few months, but then when I told her I like her, she said she doesn't feel the same, I am clear and tell her, sorry, I don't want to talk to you so never contact me again ( well, we were talking and going around for 5 months. ) and she is like, all guys are the same, I really started trusting you, you turned out to be the same.. I am like, what the hell, why so many complaints? I want to date you and I still will be as nice, you don't want to, so why should I still be friends, what's the point? Why would a girl want to be "best friends" and not date and then complain if I don't want to be "best friends"? This happens to me so many times. Even after months, they end up contacting me, and I am like, what the heck do they want? They rejected me, what am I supposed to do? Still kiss their feet?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Surrey, BC
    First off stop making friends with girls. When a girl sees that the majority of your friends are female, they wonder what's wrong with you because none of these girls want you for their BF. Secondly, get a good social group of guys to get your testosterone back.

    Next, never ever pay for a woman's rent, car payment, or whatever. F uck that s hit.

    You only give when they give, it's called reciprocation. Stop putting them up on a pedestal, worshiping them. To be desirable is to be less available. Let them wonder, be mysterious, don't answer texts right away, don't be at their beck and call. Follow my steps and you will start to see a difference.

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