In the middle of the night, a guy prayed to God so he could make his crush fall in love with him...
"Dear God, please make her my girlfriend...but if she won't, please make her fall in love with me...
if she really can't fall in love with me, don't let her fall in love with another guy...if she falls in love with another guy, make me that "another guy"...
if she's not yet falling in love with me, please review & edit once again...if she's falling in love with another guy right now, please break them apart so she can fall in love with me...
if she's never ever falling in love with me, and it can't be changed, don't let her be close to me, let her be close to You...ameen..."

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Ahoy, Matey! Don Juan here, a Professional Dating Coach.

How to make women fall in love fast & easily?

First, lemme ask you a question...falling in love is a logical process or an emotional process?


That's it! So...stop using your logic to make her fall in love with you! 99,99% of guys think logic, right?
"To make her fall in love with me, I have to be nice to her..."
"To make her fall in love with me, I have to compliment her a lot..."
"To make her fall in love with me, I have to be rich & good-looking..."

Man...this is so stoopid...

Trying to make women fall in love using logic is like you trying to sell surfboards to some random grandmas on the street!
Even if you say it's cheap, it's good, high quality, it can make you able to do backflip immediately...if those grandmas don't like it and don't need it, they will not buy the surfboards!

Even if you say to your crush, "I'm good-looking, I'm rich, I have six-pack abs, I'm romantic, I can make you happy...if you become my girlfriend, I'll give you free kitchen set! Act now, before the price increased!"

Man...this is so stoopid...

Love is an emotional process, so stop trying to convince women's logic!

~ "So what should I do?"

In the Art of Dating, which only mastered by not more than 6,4% of guys in the world, there's the most effective, easiest, and fastest way to make women fall in love with you...
without magic, shamanism, satanic ritual, hypnosis, or anything superstitious...this is how to do it:

Trigger her emotion!!

Remember, women are emotional women, a charming guy is the one who can trigger her emotion/feeling!

I bet you think people fall in love with other people? Hell no! We don't fall in love with a person, but not with a tree as well...
The fact is, we fall in love with the feeling of falling in love triggered by someone!! Get it?

It doesn't matter how good-looking or rich you are, if her feeling toward you is nothing, she won't fall in love with you!

And it doesn't matter how ugly or broke you are, if she's feeling attracted to you, she will fall in love with you!

Proof: funny guys, especially comedians, have cute & sexy girlfriend/wife...guess why? Because he can make women laugh! (I tell you what, laughing/funny feeling is the strongest emotion within human!!)
Bad Boys at school usually have hot girlfriend & have many pretty female friends...guess why? Because Bad Boys know how to build the emotion of attraction in women...

"You can't blame gravity for falling in love..."
~Albert Einstein

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It's time for...Bad Boy's Challenge!!

For all Mateys here, I have a replies on you trigger women's emotion?

The best & most creative answer will get special prizes from me!

Terms & Conditions: this thread gets many views, 1 user may give many replies, post on fb, tweet on twitter, and just leave a reply with the answer.

If you want to give me reputation, gimme red! that's my favorite!
The winner will be announced 7 days after this thread posted!

That's it, Matey! Don Juan here...
Enjoy your life, and...keep amazing, Matey!
"It's Good to be Bad!!" Heave Ho...