Ok, so I've been in a relationship for almost 6 months, we are both in our 30s, and I've never been happier. The woman I've been seeing is the most amazing, wonderful, kind, caring and loving person I've ever met. I've literally never been with someone who I've felt this way about, and I want to make this one The One. But I'm an idiot. I have one single hangup, and as rediculous as this is, I'm having a major problem with it.
I have a strong psychological aversion to alcohol. I'll spare you the details, but it goes back to my parents divorce when I was a preteen. This wonderful woman enjoys a glass of wine a couple times a week. She also enjoys going out once every few months and having a few drinks. This digs at me like I can't explain. The times that really bother me are when she has a hard day and tells me she is going home and having a drink bc she's had such a difficult day. Also, several months ago, she went out once, and got very drunk, and had to be carried out of the bar. This has happened exactly one time in her life, but she seems to find it funny, and almost seems proud of it. I have told her of my issue, and stated very emphatically that it is MY issue, and I need to deal with it. I do not want her to change bc of it. She is usually very responsible about it, but that one incident, and how she seems, "proud" of it make me question how responsible she is. My questions are simple. Am I over reacting to that one time? And how do I keep myself from getting upset when she wants to sit at home and have a glass of wine, or go out for a few drinks with her friends? In almost 6 months, this is the only issue that has arisen, and I don't want to lose this great person bc of my own psychological issues. Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.