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Thread: That guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    That guy

    Hi guys!

    So I'm having the following issue.
    I started university last year and after some time noticed a guy in one of my classes. It was a huge class with almost 1,500 people but he still caught my eye. I would sometimes look in his direction during class and catch him looking in mine (which of course could have been just a general direction and not him specifically looking at me). I had a lot of stuff going on so I didn't pursue it. Months later, I passed him on my way to our final and he smiled at me. Again, I didn't do anything about it because I was in a rush and nervous about the exam.
    This year we’re in a class again and things are different. This time we’re only 90 students and the lecture room is relatively cozy. I sit in the front to record the lectures while he sits like 10 rows behind me (which is also kind of above me since the rows build an acclivity). Every time I turn around our eyes meet (well yeah, I occasionally turn around to look at him. Guilty.)
    Two weeks ago I met a friend at the lobby of one of the campus buildings after that lecture me and the other guy go to. While we were talking, Blondie (yep, that's him) went to the men’s room across from me and my friend. After he came out, instead of walking directly to the entrance/exit he took an unnecessary detour and passed us. I might again be interpreting things into what's really nothing but I found it strange. Why take a detour? Don't humans tend to take the easiest and fastest route?
    A day after that, I spent a couple hours at the library. I soon found out that he is usually there on that day at that time. He would then prefer one of the computers you have to stand in front of rather than sit. I on the other hand write my assignments and essays there so I prefer to sit. So I sat there and did my thing and he just came out of another room and sat down diagonally from me. Again the stupid glance exchanging game until he left.
    I honestly thought that he might be really shy or something since in the course of a year I have never seen him talk to anyone. A guy like him should be swarmed by girls.
    Anyways, when I’ve talked to him last week for the first time he seemed very composed and cool (not unfriendly or anything, just confident). We were at the library again and as I passed him and I thought “Oh, what the hell” and stopped at his desk. I just asked him smiling if we were in a class together last year because he seemed familiar. He returned the smile and asked me what course I was thinking of. He then inquired about my major and my academic plans for the future (turns out we have the same major and similar goals). He looked at me all this time and averted his glance only once, namely when he said he couldn't remember me. I asked him for his name and introduced myself shaking his hand. We talked about university stuff, the course, and crap like that. After 10 minutes I said I'll let him continue with his work or whatever he was doing and he said “OK, I'll see you in class.”
    Naive little me thought I closed the deal. I just had expressed my interest not too explicitly but not that obscure either.
    Yesterday, we had a test. I spend the hour before the test sitting in the hallway across the door to our lecture room, studying. He usually goes directly inside when he arrives as he’s always there before I am. This time, he sat on the floor too next to some other guy. I couldn't directly see him since he was sitting on the same side of the hallway as me and a large garbage can was standing between us. After like 15 minutes he got up and entered the room. I didn’t look up from my notes but I heard him.
    My questions are now:
    Have I misread his body language that poorly?
    Do you think his behaviour indicates he’s not into me?
    Have I been not clear enough when I talked to him?
    Should I let it go?

    Thank you all for your answers,


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Yeah, I think you are making too much of his body language. And if you were trying to express interest in him when you had that conversation, it didn't come across. All I got from that conversation was that you are a friendly type....it certainly didn't seem like a flirty/I'm interested conversation.

    Go and ask him out for coffee if you really want to be clear.
    Never regret anything that has happened in your life. It cannot be changed, forgotten or undone. So, take it as a lesson learned and move on.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    British Columbia, Canada
    I agree with basilandthyme, as I usually do lol! You are looking way too far into body language and placing assumptions on the motivation for his behavior without knowing anything about him. I would suggest you just ask him out for coffee sometime. Judging by the conversation you had about school, it shouldn't be that difficult for you to find common ground and get to know each other. Maybe you can become friends that way, and eventually become something more. None of his behavior indicates that he ISN'T into you, but there's not enough to go on that suggests he is into you romantically, at least not yet.

    Why are you so nervous to ask him out? Fear of rejection?

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