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Thread: Need suggestion please answer

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Need suggestion please answer

    Hello Social Anxiety Members,

    Before i start i want to inform you guys that its a very long post so please read if you have enough time for it.

    The main point is we never met before it is just a online relationship nothing else.

    So lets get started.
    We were in a good relationship and at that time she always keeping sending me texts and we were talking to each other all day.
    After 4-5 months she got admission in her new college and she moved to new state. Then suddenly she got changed. She got busy in her new life and she was not responding to my text perfectly and when i asked her the reason she told me " I am busy" stuff like that.
    I thought maybe she is really busy so i didn't disturb her for few days but the situation got more worse, now she was not responding at all even sometimes she didn't replied my text.
    So i ask her out
    Me "What is wrong with you"
    She said "Nothing"
    Me "Why you got changed?"
    She "I don't want to come in between you and your ex"
    Me "You know very well i don't like her at all, Why don't you accept that you are changed."
    She " I am not changed but i don't want to come in between you guys also."

    (She was talking about my ex and she knew very well that i don't like her and we already moved on) Maybe she was just giving excuse.

    So i finally decided to break up with her and not to talk to her anymore because why should i go after a girl who don't think about me when she got a new life, new friends.

    After some days we didn't talked she changed her number and delete me from her contact list which i heard from a friend. Even she blocked me on Facebook from where our relationship got started.
    She totally got changed because before she was not even passing a day without me and now she don't want me in her life anymore.

    So i decided to go back to my business and i was going to office on regular timing but i was missing her very much. Situation was very unpleasant to me but slowly i recover myself from that situation.
    At that time i was not able to eat and concentrate on anything else but anyhow i started my daily routine like office, workout, hangout with friends. So i was ok in 2 months.

    At one day when i came from office i received a text from her she said i do apologizes for everything it was my fault. I said okay and she told me she wants to be friend and i said okay no problem.
    Then again from friend she started calling me BF but this time i was afraid to go to that situation again so i didn't saved her number and tried to make every conversation short but every time when she text me they are taking me to the same situation again so i said her "If you are again doing just timepass then please go away" but she told me "No i love you and there is no one else in my life"

    Now we are BF/GF again and i am suffering from Instance Anxiety. I am afraid to loosing her again and i don't know what to do at this situation should i trust her or tell her to go away?

    I did 3 times blood vomit this week and i am not able to eat anything because of Anxiety.
    What should i do? i have two options left.
    Should i completely cut off all contacts with her? or trust her again?

    I already told her that if you are going to break my trust then i will be in huge problem because i have to concentrate on my business, body also because without a good success in business and body look i am not going to feel accomplished.

    She told me she is never going to make any BF, but she said i will be busy in studies and i agreed.

    I don't wanna be a looser like who is always running for a girl but i don't wanna lose her too
    This things are effecting my business, body, mood.

    She seems to be very good and her behaviour is same as like before but i can't blindly trust again.
    Please suggest me what should i do?

    Get away from her life even if its going to harm by health at this point of time or stay with her and trust her? (But it can effect me on future)
    Suggestions please !!

    Thank you for reading this and sorry for my Grammar mistakes

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Hi there! I understand the anxiety problem. You already moved on for 2 months right? and then she came back and shake your life again. If shes causing you these health problems, then shes not worth it. At the end of the day, your well-being is still important. She's too far to take care of you and that is so impossible. Give it a thought. You are a strong man.


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