One day, a guy envious to see his cute & sexy female friend dated an ugly & poor guy...

Envious guy: Why you date him?! He's ugly & poor as hell!
Cute girl: Umm...I dunno, I just love him...
Envious guy: If I were a girl, I better dated a monkey!
Cute girl: What?! You want to date your sister?!


Ahoy, Matey! Don Juan of Bad Boys Dating Society here, a Professional Dating Coach...

Have you ever seen a cute & sexy girl dated an ugly guy? You feel envious & jealous, you who has a better face just a little bit, always get rejected by even ugly girls...then you make your face ugly..still get rejected...

I found something interesting! Check out these pics...

WARNING: Get mentally prepared before seeing these pics! If you can't hold it anymore, stop seeing! Medical equipment stand by!

So how? You feel dizzy already? Got stomachache? You want to throw up? Your soul still there? Envious? too...

So what do you think, mind-blowing, isn't it? Let you know, no photoshop, 100% real photos! Even if he asks a photoshopper to photoshop it, the photoshopper gives up...

October 2014, this guy broke the internet...did you know? so, his name is Dustin Bolder the Speedo Man because he wore that brand of swimsuit...

All guys envious, haters born on Facebook, all bullied him...but so what?? That didn't make haters suddenly have cute & sexy gf! And then Dustin got slapped by his cute & sexy female friends! Hell no...

You too! Like it or not, fans or haters, this is the fact that an ugly guy whose face & body look like abstract painting could get hot chicks!

"He must be rich!!"

Who said?! You want to know what his occupation is? Office security!! Seriously! My mind got blown, a security like him...if I were a burglar, my heart got broken to see him...

Do you want to know his secret? I did a research about him...and I found some interesting facts! Check this out if you want to know his secret!!

1. He's fun & funny...girls love to be around him! Why? He could make girls laugh, he could make girls feel fun & happy...

2. He has a Rockstar's social life! 'Though you said his face is not better than Alpaca, 'though he works just as a security...he's so fun to talk eith, he has so many friends (especially hot girls), at least once a week he goes party with them...

3. The most important...he's so confident!! Really, this guy never feels inferior or embarassed with his face model! When he meets his cute female friends, he says, "Hi, Babe! Morning!"

That's it...that's what makes Dustin attractive to cute & hot chicks!

Whoops, almost forgotten, when I was still learning Dating, one of my mentors, is a social master...

He's an afro-american, he got 1-pack abs, before being a social coach, he was so broke that he lived in his sister's house, his sister paid his life...but, do you know Victoria's Secret's Angels? Yub, you're right, you always download their photos...

What's wrong with Victoria's Secret's Angels? So my mentor, always invited to Victoria's Secret's private party with the Victoria's Secret's Angels, for FREE!!

He even always watches Victoria's Secrets Fashion show, again for FREE!

You wanna know how he did that? He said this..."You don't need to be good-looking, rich, or a Hollywood A list celebrity to have an elite social circle...what you need is, an elite social skills..."

It's time for...Bad Boy's Challenge!!

What do you think elite social skill is? How you get it? Comment below!

Share this thread if you like...if you want to gimme a reputation, gimme RED! That's my favorite color...

That's it, Matey! Don Juan here...
Enjoy your life, and...keep amazing, Matey!
"It's Good to be Bad!!" Heave Ho...