Every evening the girl I like and I would text and even call each other extensively. She has a younger brother, elder sister and an elder brother of whom she told me only recently. On the 13th of this month they left for the middle east where her dad works as a teacher and also where this brother of hers resides. Her dad had a reputation at school for being a tough, strict character and he scared the crap outta me anyway. I knew nothing much about her elder brother who was quite senior. We continued our little night time convos and she would go on about how I should study n all. Last evening she told me 'bout going to the hospital to get some meds for a cough she had for around a week or so. This morning the first thing I did was text her and ask ger how she was and about what the doctor said. An hour or so later I got a text from her elder brother saying how I should keep my distance from her and he warned me (not threatningly) to not make him say it again. I'm now afraid; with the reputation her dad carries: about her wellbeing in her own family. I also dont want her to feel out of place and uncomfortable within her own home. I tried reaching out for her brother on Facebook to try n tell him not to make her feel uncomfortable but I couldn't find him. I couldn't immediately open the conversation after I saw that message because I was afraid. I'm a coward; thats for sure. She makes me feel so happy. Like the song goes; she put me on the top of the world. We've known each other since preschool and played together as kids. But a playtime fallout meant we never talked to each other until maybe 3 weeks ago. For years I've watched her grow up to become more beautiful with every single passing day and simply looking at her filled my heart. I dont ever wanna see her sad. She has a beautiful soul. I just know it. Everyone can see that. It sucks to know that theres a looming possiblity shed feel bad and uncomfortable because of me. It makes me feel awfully shitty. I'm lost at what I should do next. The priority for me is her happiness...