i have had 3 unsuccessful short term relationships in just 14 months. my last relationship ended badly and created a lot of suffering for me even though we knew eachother for 4 months. she wanted just physical love and to have fun and led me on. she was also incredibly busy with 2 jobs and full time school. i recently met another girl and there was immediate attraction for both of us. she couldn't get enough of me and i couldnt resist her. 3 dates so far and it has been fantastic, like everything goes as planned and it always ends up with a 2 hour makeout session. we also communicate really well like two mature adults and engage in conversation about topics we are both interested for hours. However I recently found out she got a full time job in retail and she will be working 6 days a week and basically might see me twice a week. i have a 9-5 weekday job and she works all weekend. everything is perfect except our schedules. this is an ugly flashback to my last relationship. i personally dont like spending weekends alone. she also told me that her vacation week in summer is to be spent with her best friend for a road trip. Fearing she might not be serious i told her that im only looking for long term serious relationship which she agreed shes also interested in. I'm still doubtful and wondering if i should break this off and move on before there's a strong attachment followed by great suffering as a result? i also thought of asking her to perhaps try harder to make time for me but from my past experiences talking to women about this always created drama which i want to avoid 100%