Have been in a relationship for over a year with my boyfriend. I love him very much but need some advice. I feel sexually frustrated at the moment. We both love sex. I might have a higher sex drive than him, but whenever we can we will do it. He cums every single time, while it is a struggle for me to cum, and is actually quite stressful. So i might manage an orgasm, but it wont be a completely mindblowing one, and wouldnt have been achieved with ease. He does do foreplay, which is usually the only way i can cum, but i feel like every time we have sex, when he get's the hang of how to please me, he has to be re-taught every single time afterwards how to do this. For every. Single. Time. We. Have. Sex. So every time that we have sex and he starts to touch me, he will touch me in a way that doesnt do anything for me. Then he'll try something else that doesnt do anything for me. Then i have to re-instruct him like i have a million times before since we first met, and if im lucky it will work. This ends up frustrating me and it feels like we are starting from complete scratch every single time. During foreplay i also feel like a lot of the time he doesnt touch me half enough as i touch him and im really resentful of that at this stage.
Im really pissed off with this today, and feel resentful toward him over it. I have spoken to him about this at least twice already, that i would like him to remember what works for me instead of waiting for instruction.
I do not want to have to instruct someone every time they are trying to pleasure me on it, and would love him to take some initiative or at least try to remember himself what worked the last time and it just doesn't seem to be happening. I get him off every time, and am not afraid to switch things up for him, but i feel like the scales are tipped in his favour when it comes to this.
My ideal scenario, which I have communicated to him is to be on the same level as him, as in super horny, nearing orgasm during foreplay, like he is, and going to the edge and back several times before the main event. I can do this on my own, it does exist. But i want to have that with my partner.
What makes all of this even more frustrating is that when communicating this, even in a constructive way-it makes him feel really insecure. This means then that most of my energy goes into trying to re-affirm his insecurities while my frustrations and resentment aren't really paid attention to.

Can anyone related? Thoughts? Advice on how to deal with this?