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Thread: Bae's Bestie Ruined Everything

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Bae's Bestie Ruined Everything

    This guy, Bae, is different; in all the right ways. Unfortunately, we met in the wrong way. I was actually meeting his friend, and roommate T. T and I didn't really click, but I just about lost it for Bae. He made me feel things that I forgot I could. T did not like the arrangement, but Bae liked me enough to keep it going. He was like the sweetest person, we had the best conversations, the most intensely amazing sex, for hours. Just thrilled to touch and be touched by the other, kissing holding speaking, just..... perfect. Then his "best friend" The "realest person" Bae knows decides Im a whore for falling for Bae, and leaving T behind..... but turns out T is FREAKING ENGAGED. Bae was so wonderful two days ago. Yesterday, he decides that bestie always tells him like it is, regardless of how he is feeling.
    Bestie thinks I am a user and a whore. Because when I bring bae baked goods and make him special salves for his hands and dote on him with genuine affection Im obviously only there for the weed *Rolls eyes* like I need him for that.
    Bestie thinks Im a whore because I left T and went for Bae. But bae had that.... what ever it is that makes me fall for someone all over him.
    Bestie came in and took my Wonderful Amazing Bae, and replaced him with a cold rude jerk that yells. I walked. I told him to figure out what he wanted but he couldn't treat me that way so au revoir. But I don't want to lose bae. I don't want bae to lose bestie either, he loves him. I even brought bestie cookies as an olive branch... he threw them away. I cannot understand why this person hates me so much, is so certain I am a terrible human being when he doesn't even know me. And I don't know how bae could change so absolutely in the space of a few hours. He went from sweet kisses and hugs to ignoring and being rude. What should I do? I walked, why didn't he chase?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    How old are you and your guy? Why would he change who and how his is for another guy that easily?
    Bestie is jealous of you, and if his friend can't see that I'd say good riddence to both those weak minded men.

    “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.”

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