My long distance boyfriend has never come to visit me before, I have only visited him. He's said he wants to visit me so many times. But just recently he claims to have unresolved trust issues that prevent him from coming here. He says hes seeing a therapist for this and that these feelings do not involve me. But it has absolutely crushed me. I feel like I am the only one putting any effort in and most days I feel pretty crappy. We have kissed, he's already told me he's loved me, and we've been together EIGHT months now. Why are these feelings coming up now? The timing doesn't make sense. Anytime I ask about it he says he doesnt feel like talking about it. Or says something dumb like "You haven't been on the same road I have." Like of course I've had my heart broken too! I get it. It sucks. It's like there's a wall between us and he won't let me take it down. But I don't know how much longer I can wait. I feel like it may very well just be a dead end. I can't help if he won't even talk about it. I'm seriously considering ending the relationship or suspending it until his personal issues are worked out. I really do love him but I just get a big pit in my tummy knowing that he is willing to tell me he loves me and then claims he is not ready to come here yet. It's a joke. And I know relationships aren't always the best but I know it shouldn't feel this bad. What should I do? Be patient or call it quits?