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Thread: Did he ever care for me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2015

    Did he ever care for me?

    So I met a guy who wasn't ready to commit (he told me after I fell for him), pretty much due to fear from his last relationship (his ex cheated on him). I fell for him pretty hard and fast, same w/him and he even said he didn't expect to meet someone like me (we met on an online dating site). We saw each other for a month before he had to move back home to another state. Our dates lasted anywhere from 3 or more hours (one time it lasted 9). He was so caring and affectionate. He even wanted me to come w/him. He was also the one that wanted a LDR and was the one who asked us to be exclusive. Btw we never slept together (he never asked or pressured me) and only kissed on like the 5th date, so sex is out of the picture in this situation.

    About 2 weeks after he left, I could feel a change in his mood, the texting and communication was very little on his end and he didn't seem interested in what was going on in my life. He started a new job, long hours and told me he was stressed, but that he also cared about me a lot. After pressuring him quite a lot, I was getting tons of mixed signals, he broke down in tears telling me he didn't know what he wanted. One day the text conversation was just all about him (whining about how bad his day went) and at that point I lost it. In that conversation he said how confused he was and he wanted to be w/me, but I was pressuring him (I know I was but I wanted answers). Now I am "friends" w/him and it hurts like heck. I haven't heard anything from him in almost 2 weeks and I have deleted his # and off of social media, I have not contacted him since he asked for time alone. I spent last week crying and now I am putting back the pieces and I'm actually starting to date again. He just wanted to be alone and wasn't thrilled about me dating other guys, cause he wouldn't dating anybody. I would be willing to work w/him through this if he didn't shut me out and neglect me. Did he ever care about me? Btw I am getting out there and I'm starting to date again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Western Australia
    Boy that's a toughie. Maybe he did care and simply changed his mind. Your feelings can change so quickly at the beginning of a relationship. You are best of giving him space and time to sort out what he wants. Sometimes you realise after a short while you just want to be friends and nothing more, and that's tough for the person who's left wanting more.
    It's happened to everyone, and it hurts a lot. Believe me I know!
    I think you are doing the right thing and moving on. If it's meant to be, it will, but it sounds like it won't Best of luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    This is kind of a hard one, but I really think he did care about you, and maybe even does to some extent now. It seems like he just got super overwhelmed/had a lot on his plate after he moved and started a new job, and that really makes sense if he vented a lot to you. I think giving him space really is the best option here, since he did say you were pressuring him for answers, and so if he does eventually reach out to you to start over you'll know for certain that he still has feelings for you. And if he doesn't, its good that he asked for space since it'll give you time to move on anyways, which it seems like you're already starting to do.
    I hope everything sorts itself out for you, and good luck meeting new people!

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