I'm in this very strange situation of being twenty years old and never having any type of relationship or even spark of a relationship with a guy. I've come to the conclusion that men just don't have any interest in me. I'm not typically beautiful but I have never been called ugly. I'm slim, but i have hips which apparently is in style. I have VERY pale and clear skin with freckles, generally its not something people my age are attracted to. If i ever am told I'm beautiful, which is not often, it is always by old people since fair skin was very stylish then. I don't have any desire to fake tan or get an actual tan by the way. BTW I have no problem with people of darker skins I just dont personally mind my skin color. Besides that I am never approached by men, ever. In highschool no one tried to have a relationship with me, I have barely any guy friends, when I'm out men never come up to me but they will to my friends. I dont know what I'm doing wrong. Maybe someone could shed some light onto this for me.