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Thread: Confused, lovesick & brokenhearted

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Confused, lovesick & brokenhearted

    I need some advice... both women and men are welcome to post, because omg I'm at a loss. I'm being overwhelmed with feelings and I need some guidance.
    I guess I'll start at the beginning.....

    5 yrs ago, I met this guy online and we hooked up for a few months. I didn't know what I wanted at the time and so nothing really came of this fling with ... Let's call him George.
    George never showed any indication that he wanted to be anything more than "friends with benefits" and so I assumed it didn't go much deeper than that.

    About 6 months after we met, he moved to another country, and we lost touch but got back in touch later on.
    3 yrs later, George came back for a visit and came to see me. We hung out (no sex) and it was fabulous. He didn't talk much about what he'd been doing outside of school and work over there. When he flew back to ... let's say it was Germany ... we promised to keep in touch.

    A year later, he moved back, and he immediately looked me up and we got together. Afterwards, he told me he has a girlfriend back in Germany and he felt awful for cheating on her. Naturally, I was shocked, but eventually we got together again and it started becoming a regular thing. By this time it was about November and I found out via social media that he'd become engaged to said girlfriend in Germany! Once again.. shocked. We stopped seeing each other for a while and in December he got married in Germany because Canada wouldn't let her immigrate any other way. He returned a week later, now a married man, and after a month or two, things went back to how they were before. We started sleeping together again.

    Now here's where new complications arise...
    About a month ago I realized I was falling in love with the man. Apparently everyone else knew before I did, but that's beside the point (I'm obviously transparent I guess).
    It took me three weeks to muster up the courage to tell him how I felt (sorta) ... I chickened out and changed "love" to "really like". Thinking I would just get it off my chest and be done with it, I could NOT have been more wrong. Turns out, he feels the same way. We've always been close and he's also my best friend and I'm his but he's MARRIED.
    We talked for a couple of hours and he concluded with "I made a promise to love someone forever and I can't really make that promise twice. I need to stand by it." Ouch. Now that hurt. But I understood and tried to move on. Went on a couple dates with other men but no one ever came close to this man who stole my heart.

    Tonight, we went out for dinner and spent a few hours out in the parking lot afterwards, just talking. The man is so easy to talk to, it's unbelievable. So after some casual conversation, he tells me he has some news: his wife is moving to Canada in TWO WEEKS!! Now, keep in mind, a man in love would likely be ecstatic to see his beloved again after a one year hiatus. Not this man. He seemed almost sulky. I said to him he must be thrilled and he responded "I'm trying to be happy about it." I was (again) shocked at his answer. He explained he was trying to be happy but he was stressed and confused and a little torn that she was coming this quickly. Said he didn't feel the same way about her anymore as he did when he married her. I told him I hoped it had nothing to do with me and he said it had everything to do with me and what I'd told him 2 wks ago.
    I found out that the man actually loves me and then he goes and says "You know I'd marry you if I could". REALLY?!? What am I supposed to say to that?! What did he expect would come of that revelation?!
    The whole time, he held me tight and kissed my forehead or my hair and he would lay his head against mine.

    The conversation eventually turned back to casual small talk and before we parted ways, he kissed me and said he wanted to see me next weekend.

    I don't know what I'm supposed to do now?!? My heart definitely belongs to him and I don't think I can date someone else while I still love George. His wife (obviously) doesn't know what he's been up to in her absence but I would hate to be the one who broke up their marriage. If it comes from him, fine, but I'm not going to be the one to tell her and risk him being hurt in the process. I want to see him happy but he tells me he's not happy to know she's coming to live with him again (they lived together for 2 yrs .. which is as long as they have known each other prior to marriage) in Germany. He says he doesn't want to see me bummed out but that ship sailed long ago. Now he's talking of moving to another province and I don't think I could handle him leaving again. I lost him once 5 yrs ago, then I lost him (in a different way) when he got married and if he moved away again, it'll crush me.

    I don't know what to do with this newfound information. He doesn't know I'm in love with him but I feel like it wouldn't change the outcome of all this. HELP!!!
    If anyone has some insight to offer, male or female, positive or negative, please share. My heart just needs some guidance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    I hate to say this, because I know it will be painful, but I think you need to tell George that he needs to make a decision. It sounds like he's waffling. Right now he's hurting you and his wife (and probably himself, too) by not making a decision. If he wants to be with you, he can get divorced. People do it all the time. Or if he wants to be (unhappily) married, he needs to do that without you, because you deserve better than half of a married man's attention. Tell him he needs to make a decision, and then go a couple weeks without contacting him, so that he has time to think. Write it on your calendar, if you have to, and then do your best to keep busy until it's time to contact him. I'm sorry, I know it's probably not want what you want to hear, but George might drag this on forever, and that's not fair to anyone involved.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Thank you both for taking time out of your day to respond to my story. Unfortunately, the story has now ended and the ending isn't pretty nor is it a happy one, but at least everything has been said and minds are made up.
    He's made his bed and now he has to lie in it, even if that no longer includes me. So in conclusion, despite his protests, we have parted ways.

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