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Thread: Does He Like Me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Does He Like Me?

    So i recently started college (I live in the UK so i'm 16), I met this guy at the taster week that we had for the college about 2 months ago. At the taster week we spent a little while together, just when we had the same free periods and watched a couple of films that we both liked together and my friends all said they thought we hit it off. Once i started we saw each other again on the first day and he recognised me immediately. Every time we see each other in the halls he'll smile at me and wave and my friends have noticed that he always seems to make up lame excuses to come and speak to our friends group. When he does this, according to one of my friends, he'll often look at me and often looks at me more than the people he's actually talking to. This guy always seems to laugh at my stupid jokes and appears to try extra hard to be funny, he also constantly mentions how he's going to the gym later but acts as if it's no big deal. Today one of my friends mentioned to him that a few of us had free periods next and when he heard that he turned to me straight away and asked if I did, when i said that i did have a free period next he smiled and did a fist pump which i thought was kind of out there considering we barely knew each other. During the free period he seemed to be talking to me more than anyone else even though he knew all of them more than he knows me and at a few points i caught him looking at me, we would make eye contact and instead of looking away he would just smirk and grin at me until i looked away. He also teased me quite a bit (all good natured) and made a few semi-sexual jokes towards me every now and again. When i got up to leave with my other friend (who is a guy) he stood up as well and asked me if i was leaving, when i said that i was he seemed kind of annoyed. Like i said, it's still really early on and it's way too early to make any serious moves but i wanna get some insight into where this is headed and whether anything could come from it in the future. I'm usually very awkward when it comes to my feelings even when i come across as very confident so i'm just trying to save myself some embarrassment. Any advice would be appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Be coy until he asks you out. take it from there.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    This guy is totally smitten by you. I`m a guy. What happens is when you want something/a girl more than ex amount you freeze, the prospect of anything significant happening between the two of you becomes a force to totally over powers you. It might even be described as a form of obsessional love, it is most certainly obsessional desire. His feelings are strong, of the scale, so find out from his ex whether your emotional being will likely have a comfortable ride. Nineteen out of twenty relationships fail, so be realistic, and find out all that you can. Retaining some emotional control may save you considerable suffering into the future. He would likely want sex early in the relationship, but remember, girls are commonly totally emotionally seduced in going there. Guys with the facet for genuine love do n`t dump girls that wont give them sex. It is never a commodity which you owe them:www.celebritydiscodave.co.uk

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