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Thread: Is she interested in me?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Is she interested in me?

    So, I'm on my second week at my new full-time job; going okay so far. Just a simple janitorial/trash pick up gig at a hospital. During the first week, I was doing a round of trash in the ER department until this girl literally came out of nowhere, introduced herself and... kind of got in my personal space a little bit more than people normally would with some unbreakable eye contact. It's weird because most people in the hospital would kinda ignore or barely acknowledge the trash boy like me. But that's not the real reason why I'm kind of suspecting she's maybe a little more interested in me.

    The same day, kept running into her, which meant less busy areas and more time to actually talk for a little bit. She asked me a bit about my time there and then right after, told me randomly that if I needed anything, I could always come to her. As stated before, we're in two completely different departments; I just run the trash for hers and other depts, so I'm kind of in the back of my mind like "Huh... this doesn't seem normal". Lately, I've been going around to lots of different parts of the hospital to where I've only seen her a couple of times up until today. Yesterday, she pulled another one of her ninja moves and greeted me from the side (not realizing she was there until she started talking, lol), talked for a few seconds more while I was rolling my trash cart through her dept. halls. She seemed really happy to see me, and her tone of voice sounded a lot more... sweeter? She had a sweet tone from the start, but just noticeably more. Today, she seemed really busy, so I didn't bother her and kept going.

    Not sure what to expect, to be honest. She could either just be a super friendly person by nature (I'm sort of leaning more on this), or possibly giving me hints to make some sort of move. Since she gave me that little invitation to talk to her whenever I want, I'm actually not afraid of approaching her. What I'm more concerned for is... what is it should I go to her to talk about? Different depts = she wouldn't be able to help me with trash boy stuff at all (only vice versa with the help thing, hah hah), so I don't want to misinterpret her friendly offer.

    I kinda do like her; she's very nice and pretty. And even if she's not into me like that, it kind of makes me feel at ease that there's someone there actually interested in wanting to interact with me more than one second before they keep walking. Even with a whole dept of fellow trash guys/gals, I don't relate to anyone there and it's a pretty lonely 8 hour shift being surrounded by folks who either don't acknowledge or just say hi and keep going. Even when I was having a few crappy days with the trash runs, those few times I've seen her and her smile did make me feel a bit better those days, so I would like to talk to her more regardless. The biggest stump in the road is just what to say. If I had that little bit of advice there, I think I'm confident enough to make that step and initiate something to get this friendship/relationship going into some sort of direction. So, what would I be better off doing?

    Sorry if this sounds like a noobish question; I'm not very good at talking to women... or people in general, actually. I can greet them and all, but... kind of fall out with keeping the conversation going, because I feel so different from other people and out of touch. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    I think she would definitely be interested in talking to you based on how she has behaved and approached you. Also, women don't make crazy eye contact unless they are comfortable with the guy. Which is a green light for approaching her. But I can't say just yet whether she is just being friendly or if she thought you are attractive. I would recommend talking to her and starting like a friendly acquaintance thing which would also help with boring office hours. You could talk to her about her job in the hospital what does she do, how long she's been there etc. the conversation should just flow if she is a friendly person. Does that help?
    PS: would love to get your opinion on the question I posted!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I say shes interested in you. Dont take your pants off already but You can already unzip your pants and pull them down halfway.
    Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Your Worst Nightmares
    LOL! Quite a colorful way of putting it, but I'd agree with pcmaster's intention (as well as with what spe had to say). At least, I don't think pc meant that literally. But, I think he illustrates the point well. No, she's not done enough to tell you for sure if she is interested in you or just being friendly....

    But she's done enough that you should at least feel comfortable being more and more friendly with her to get a better idea of which may be the case.... and to maybe start flirting a little and/or dropping hints to see how she reacts. If it goes well, try asking her out. Or, Hell, if you'd like you could maybe even just go ahead and ask her out. She's at least friendly enough that it would be worth a try. In the end, even if she ISN'T interested, it's better to know rather than to keep wondering. On the other hand, if you ask and she IS interested, wouldn't you be kicking yourself for even considering not trying?

    Good luck!

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